[国际新闻] 罗马尼亚巫婆网上招揽顾客

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* K2 t. @% f/ y. A. Z' X人在德国 社区
2 Y. P* {  h+ @$ h1 g* O  罗迪卡自称是“罗马尼亚巫婆无可争辩的领袖”,并宣称她能够治愈阳痿、癫痫以及酒精中毒等疑难杂症。巫婆提供一系列有关符咒和魔法的新产品,例如为男同性恋准备的春药,以及保证顾客获得欧盟补助金的幸运魔法。
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% S% x; Q4 E1 f" `& R1 P  她说:“博客会让我接近那些潜在的客户,而且还能够让大家信服魔法是真实存在的。”
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* k) |3 ]4 V  Q. j* t# Tcsuchen.de
, {" q; e# [0 c/ A5 XRomanian witches embrace technology人在德国 社区9 M$ O0 W/ i5 O* K, @

5 o$ I5 g9 _2 q6 UWitches in Romania are going online in a bid to win more customers now the country is in the EU.4 I5 ]& g8 D5 \6 a$ Q

$ j8 S& E3 V" u; _9 [Witchcraft is a recognised profession in Romania where white witches offer spells, potions and readings of the future.
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But witches say the EU has offered a much wider market, and they need to move with the times and embrace modern technology to reach even more people.人在德国 社区# S, I- P# j0 _8 z6 d6 S5 A* M7 Q3 ?

6 `9 q8 B* `$ l5 Y. h( m1 N4 rOne of the country's most famous witches, Witch Rodica, has set up her own web and blog site - http://vrajitoare.blogspot.com - offering everything from a dream interpretation book to tarot card reading.
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Rodica calls herself the "incontestable and undisputed leader of the Romanian witches" and claims she can cure impotence, epilepsy and alcoholism.
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$ N) K4 m+ o* h; j$ h/ z+ `$ L9 Ycsuchen.de"I still do spells and potions the traditional way, but the blog keeps me closer to potential clients and can be used to convince the sceptical that witchcraft is real," she said.
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The witches are also offering a new range of spells such as love potions for gay men and lucky charms guaranteed to win EU grant money.