- 积分
- 6658
- 威望
- 776
- 金钱
- 0
- 阅读权限
- 90
- 在线时间
- 897 小时
发表于 2007-2-8 18:26
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谢谢两位大狭的指点.我正想着这么多天没人回答我,我直接问教授好了,因为他当时给我指出来了我做的PRESENTATATION 错了,觉得想不通,所以发个贴问.谢谢大狭哈.继续咱们的讨论.
这是我做的英国的Cadbury Schweppes的一个案例,在1983年Cadbury Schweppes为了减少它的财务成本,并且想到美国资本市场去融资,就在美国发行了US commercial paper.他为了得到一个低利率的US commercial paper,做了很多工作说服评级机构给了它一个最高的信用等级(A1),也因此得到了一个最低的利率,相比他其他短期债务.我的材料上对它的US commercial paper的利率描述就是上述这样一句话,我把那一段都写在这,老大门再研究研究.
CS(Cadbury schweppes)was rated A1 by Standard and Poor's and Prime 1,or P1,by Moody's. CS therefore gained the highest credit rating normally afforded to a non-US private-sector company, and hence could offer the lowest interest rates on its short-term debt.At that time,interest rates on commercial paper were some three-quarters of a per cent lower than the alternative dollar LIBOR rate.The company attributed this to the elimination of the bank's spread,combined with the rating and guaranteed liquidity afforded by commercial paper. |