[国际新闻] Whitney forever!

" D' n9 b5 E- v  f, h  j9 i
. \* ?5 ^9 H2 B人在德国 社区她是格莱美最佳女歌手,拥有22座全美音乐奖;她一生获奖415次,打破吉尼斯世界纪录;她在全世界有超过1亿8000万张专辑的销售纪录;她以强而有力的嗓音、一字多转音的感染力与宽广音域为人所熟知;她是歌手,演员,模特集一身的女神,她也因嗑药、酗酒备受指责。
+ H% i( {( `4 Q. A0 G% o" K( W+ R
4 T9 E2 Q# D; h+ U2 icsuchen.de: U2 F3 r1 h1 o
大家听听她最后的这张专集里的歌吧。天王走了,天后也走了。" X8 Q* Y9 z! ]) ]
( {; W( l% n8 Y  P
人在德国 社区% o! Z! _0 B0 _" H/ I" v7 U9 u

" f/ m4 \, i) j! d- @1 \这首歌在我珍藏的CD里。现在变成绝唱了。
Mary KayKathy´s shop
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This is the Heartbreak Hotel ...人在德国 社区: B: @- @' Y2 e- S( Q6 I
$ l, w. Q9 |$ j+ ~! o  U; D
You said that you'd be here by nine0 k6 x$ V1 h# {" u; x
Instead you took your timecsuchen.de4 z" N, Q. P6 R. ~$ F, s* t6 g
You didn't think to call me boycsuchen.de* x$ S. J* w0 F$ q
Here I sit trying not to crycsuchen.de' p# y9 m8 X: `
Asking myself why you do this to me. \2 a1 i% S) D% F3 c* ?, q) d

' |4 ^- \5 p/ ~. BSince you're not around for me to tell you baby face to face
/ {- c7 j8 M5 @! ]人在德国 社区I'm writing you this letter, and this is what I have to say:2 i$ g- k6 @* y
All I really wanted was some of your time8 D2 N) S% N: V, w' H. N8 t
Instead you told me lies, o# X8 x! @0 m& u( j5 H
When someone else was on your mind
1 M% e! o2 d1 _5 N0 i  T3 {csuchen.deWhat you do to me
, o- F/ P! t" s7 OLook what you did to me8 B2 F/ B+ B) P/ ^
I thought that you were someone who would do me right, h: ^  P7 s+ g" j; O' V+ X
Until you played with my emotions and you made me cry8 l. U1 \  @6 i& ?; g/ |% q# q8 p
What you do to me
5 l( D. x5 q) E5 P0 cCan't take what you did to me
! @9 @8 w# D6 a8 \6 ^
9 _) {+ B2 y. z8 Y. B7 I+ R' s3 P( |Now I see that you been doing wrong人在德国 社区" x" R% B" T8 V, h
You played me all along7 Z, C2 o- b1 E
And made a fool of me, baby
2 z6 H% b/ C( a+ {You got it all wrong to think that I wouldn't find out
5 q5 B1 d, R7 [3 n) x. zcsuchen.deThat you were cheating on me
7 s. R% w5 j/ Y2 H5 GHow could you do it to mecsuchen.de/ y) z3 b$ Q7 A8 g* T
csuchen.de% p% h3 ?) q$ T7 L
Since you're not around for me to tell you baby face to face
1 s* T6 H! J: U" r& tI'm writing you this letter, and this is what I have to say:4 ~0 \6 ]8 z+ U. A
All I really wanted was some of your timecsuchen.de4 J1 K( g: j4 G2 w
Instead you told me lies  K! E9 F, t, t' Z9 b8 A
When someone else was on your mind1 I4 d; \' z* v9 k$ [
What you do to me
. J& E2 l6 P  p  lLook what you did to me
; X% J. j( k. J# s8 [$ HI thought that you were someone who would do me right8 o0 B4 j% _- K
Until you played with my emotions and you made me cry( W1 u6 Q" k6 O: L& F: m' R
What you do to me
+ P) r& f6 Q8 w' C) m0 K7 ]+ bCan't take what you did to me
4 K0 X) x, {" ~. E: W
4 b1 y+ ?+ {1 fcsuchen.deHeartbreak Hotel
* f- d8 P3 h8 b) C1 {) X; J) yThis is the Heartbreak Hotel (8x)
6 w, f7 f% V! r2 g  g- C! o
" a/ M/ m- A6 T% @. j8 @3 Zcsuchen.deAll I really wanted was some of your time
, D8 `" B1 X5 W6 E& j3 k- k3 ^Instead you told me liescsuchen.de0 o8 I* T/ T& _+ H$ ~
When someone else was on your mind
+ e! p, g2 f" X7 V$ I( L& ocsuchen.deWhat you do to me
# H* m. z4 y, m, C/ pLook what you did to me
& p1 m' f2 i- w; B& x/ bcsuchen.deI thought that you were someone who would do m right
* w9 D9 |5 o3 j8 q4 L5 V# w人在德国 社区Until you play with my emotions and you made me cry3 g3 N& C+ I! F( w7 m
What you do to me
- A1 ]' M7 Y4 S) T4 r2 y! g& _+ f8 OCan't take what you did to me (2x)
+ n( N4 J3 I; z7 v2 R3 T. K) q
+ ?7 P2 k$ O1 W* K" L人在德国 社区I aint gon' take itcsuchen.de. W# T+ x9 ~5 u! G1 B0 A
I aint gon' take it no more人在德国 社区9 D/ b% L7 N- H% J. ^; _
I aint gon' take! it boy
& k! o. f; Z* N% c- AI aint gon' take it no more
  s% B0 Q+ a* s! E
+ F8 O/ ?4 H* Q6 A8 h* I' kcsuchen.deEverything that you said was a lie人在德国 社区. S  U0 m' b( I0 |0 Y8 u
Don't lie for me
& @% S% l/ k+ z5 |Tell me what it is and I will be alright
Mary KayKathy´s shop


Freitag abend bist du mit deinen Kumpels essen gegangen.
  }% f0 Q) T" p" a/ Z' f- rDann seid ihr irgendwo hängengeblieben
4 X0 N4 ^4 \6 {2 Jcsuchen.deUnd du bist so gegen drei heimgekommen.csuchen.de) R, u1 K0 H4 Q6 a. K
Also wenn ihr zu sechst weg ware, dann war's für vier
6 T9 D3 w' B; R+ ]+ c4 m+ qVon euch echt ein billiger Abend.& V3 b1 w' |: G
Auf deiner Abrechnung standen nämlich nur zwei Abendessen.1 H5 Q7 r! E# }3 B! h0 t
: D3 A8 x) X: z
Richtig ist es nicht, aber schon OK.
8 s+ C( f8 J1 g: z) x& TIrgendwie geht's schon.
/ p9 E* `9 Y- S3 F: {6 iPack deine Sachen und verschwinde einfach.csuchen.de# `3 }7 S2 O: x  F. w+ d3 V2 p
Und komm ja nicht zurück!csuchen.de# ^' a7 e  |/ T* }2 @& T, i
Lieber bin ich allein, als so gedemütigt zu werden.
/ I" R1 }; T8 h6 _  y) W3 N
9 k% A  d4 M; ~1 T/ UEben klingelt das Telefon.人在德国 社区. u4 ?8 Q9 _- l* R
Du sagst, es war einer deiner Freunde von der 54. Straße.5 |" L! o4 s, [7 J# z& n
Aber warum fing die Nummer dann mit 213 an?3 G1 J4 z) w. X: R* r- l
Ich kenn dieses Spiel schon von früher,
) K8 V* C. m$ X3 U# {3 lDachtest du wirklich, ich tu mir das nochmal an?* E4 N6 D8 N  U* e. z# @  g
Du hast mich ja doch immer nur verarscht.
Mary KayKathy´s shop


Mary KayKathy´s shop


1 d4 J7 Q2 q" Y$ [8 |" h; ~, V人在德国 社区Wir werden Sie nie vergessen, ein Weltstar mit höhen und tiefen. Ihre Stimme war einfach einzigartig, ihre Lieder einfach wunderschön. Sie war meine absolute Lieblings Sängerin, ich bin 1987 geboren, als ich etwas laufen konnte und registrierte was im TV so läuft, da fragte ich meine Mutter wer die tolle Frau auf MTV ist.....und sie sagte das ist Whitney Houston mit I will always love you......es ist ein unvergesslicher Augenblick gewesen, ich bin mit ihr im Ohr aufgewachsen.. Ruhe in Frieden
Mary KayKathy´s shop






) y  ]4 s" v) hlucy2011 发表于 2012-2-13 20:39
  C" `. k3 _5 a4 D* O9 N- u  I
人在德国 社区. q5 O# b, t2 `) ^5 B
  q/ J5 O1 O8 D; |) e! M0 c4 t这是她葬礼告别,我整整的看了一天,她真的很伟大,一生获奖无数,再没有人能达到她的境界了,可惜始终还是个女人,她太爱那个猪狗不如的前夫了,才会让她痛苦得无法自拔,吸毒酗酒麻醉自己在家庭中的失落,两个人分分合合,最终还是得不到那个男的心,成为了前夫。不过在葬礼上她的小男友表现不错,前夫还是那么铁石心肠。


本帖最后由 费雪儿 于 2012-2-21 19:46 编辑
: W- ^" S3 ^: I" v, c4 b4 ~5 N, K; ?人在德国 社区
0 r5 \- }0 G" k6 e; ?* j9 Y
我现在眼睛痛,就是昨天晚上给哭的* O# _- u: ]' t
lisa1698 发表于 2012-2-14 14:50
1 k5 |! b1 t; N1 L- ]% J
, f) m# [: d* _) Y* O" A2 p& `3 f; m/ }4 M0 k/ M4 Z
听她这首歌,我鸡皮疙瘩都起来了,Powervoll人在德国 社区' R- U" L, a; C, x/ J5 K' T8 j
; |4 s- t  {6 e7 \( ?, ^- q& `
Mary KayKathy´s shop


7 a. `% ^( N/ s7 i. s7 T9 K人在德国 社区lucy2011 发表于 2012-2-13 20:39
: Z7 V+ P$ D( `
csuchen.de) H5 v: C  h2 B9 o
9 H/ |! p- U2 ?; _% x4 i* h
她需要一个像电影保镖里的那样的男人爱着她,她就不会这么早死了!!!csuchen.de" v6 E5 P8 p" @

# q* G  ~7 }# R( p9 F0 W6 Wcsuchen.deShare my life, take me for what I am
, @, \- H, B# `7 z2 O! V: G) KCause I'll never change all my colours for you
8 a' h' ^# a. E- c  Z/ ATake my love, I'll never ask for too much" Z4 z) c9 I, W3 k
Just all that you are and everything that you do
$ f' d( Y5 ]- G0 N7 k* h8 M7 z9 Acsuchen.de! K( o1 ~2 I. o& O
I don't really need to look very much further; \4 g" X* W! S* u5 B
I don't want to have to go where you don't follow
. k4 i" M9 F+ q) eI won't hold it back again, this passion inside
. q5 s) T! a% FCan't run from myself# |1 E, M6 W7 c' t( S
There's nowhere to hidecsuchen.de- Y% G. k) D- s, R) `+ e' d
! W8 M. e1 O" C' ]$ I4 L" t
Don't make me close one more door
. ~' n7 K% z9 j5 l4 x6 X5 l% {I don't wanna hurt anymore
4 E- n( ~! N6 C1 F1 y+ P9 |+ _Stay in my arms if you're there
% s( d& R( ?1 u7 f+ \Or must I imagine you there
% i1 m/ v4 A1 @Don't walk away from me...人在德国 社区% W5 t) ^. c* F* L! O6 D' j
I have nothing, nothing, nothing# \, k+ p  l8 F/ y' f- v1 n) M
If I don't have you, you, you, you,you( u) i6 X2 k" Y" |8 M

/ u6 x* t+ [% i+ C9 R+ ZYou see through, right to the heart of me( g) Y7 T- T4 n( Y
You break down my walls with the strength of your love
- e4 f' X4 ?  k' ]8 HI never knew love like I've known it with you& n/ u; c1 ]; b4 i* ^3 `/ e  N2 ^1 x
Will a memory survive, one I can hold on to人在德国 社区  L3 ?8 M; b* R9 ~# K( ]! x
人在德国 社区6 F& o# H& j: p" Z
I don't really need to look
* s' E- L8 L& K* M0 o# IVery much further: J$ F, t! h3 a0 D/ L  k
I don't wanna have to go
+ c+ n9 V  o3 R  }Where you don't follow
- N0 g. R+ G5 Z& Q( ?I don't hold it back again
9 e* c. L% {  e+ d; UThis passion inside& `, h5 s0 F2 n4 g
Can't run from myself
. {1 C/ j) S( v0 t- _) G# L8 pThere's nowhere to hide/ T9 `0 Q' d& \/ w% Q, K
You're the love I remember forever
' b/ A7 V7 x  e/ C2 a5 r
4 g3 C" o1 K% B; p人在德国 社区Don't make me close one more door人在德国 社区7 r& Z3 |1 }, G9 p# ?
I don't wanna hurt anymore
! d3 q( ^" d- gStay in my arms if you dare
# S' U' \# [1 b: ~Or must I imagine you there
2 e/ c  o% {' M& X  K5 M2 ODon't walk away from me...
0 R& l' Z5 l, O) l. rI have nothing, nothing, nothing% E: {' ], G# C/ H4 P; F

9 `9 ^6 k/ T0 f9 c5 c/ K& dDon't make me close one more door
7 f, ^1 n! h( A! `* N4 `& rI don't wanna hurt anymore人在德国 社区" [  I' l/ \6 N
Stay in my arms if you dare8 h7 U- A3 q. \" r
Or must I imagine you there) V) p3 T4 G  k8 ^) i) J

: H, Q. }- M+ `' L, y  JDon't walk away from me2 h( W' [3 ]* G. g5 N
Don't walk away from me
7 S! [2 v2 O$ B! Z: _2 j+ x人在德国 社区Don't you there walk away from me
; N, i! i) p( t* D  [- i' ~csuchen.deI have nothing,nothing. K* J) v; a2 D' m
Nothing, if I don't have you
% W- d' u7 ~# m) a* e5 ZYou, if I don't have you