- 积分
- 35
- 威望
- 15
- 金钱
- 0
- 阅读权限
- 30
- 在线时间
- 0 小时
发表于 2010-1-31 21:20
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Hi all,
i think its great idea to have this competition running again this year.
Its really cool to have so many proposal and ideas. But i think all these must be constructive and also be workable.
At the end of the day, it must be something that all teams agree on, happily and accept the new rules joyfully. But with the baseline of having more fun, friendship and also sportsmanship.
If any of the above 3 items are missing, then i think it defeats the main aim of having the annual All Chinese Badminton competition.
Last year event was really great and smooth running, i am sure all the participating teams appreciate the hard works of the organising team.
And i look forward to this year event, but after reading so many comments, i would like to raise my concerns and i would like to raise a few early alarms to prevent any protest or unhappiness among teams.
Point 1.) With so many new rules to restrict the number of players, the identity, race and city or origin, i am sure most of the times spend in this year competition will be doing admistration checks and answering all possible protests. Why should we waste all this precious time in doing investigative checks on players city of orign etc ? And why conduct possible language test on players ? Why not spend all time in doing something that is more quality and productive ?
We always mention that we want to improve the chinese playing standard in Germany, but are we doing it in the right way by restricting players? By doing check etc ? A competition is not just a 2 days event, its the process of preparing the team. Training together and understanding the games.
I am sure players when training/playing together, their standard improve. And even when they do not have the chance to play every matches during the 2 days competition, they do have the chance to spar within the team and improve the standard. What is the 2 days competition compare to the run-up to the days of competition.
ANd this is with the fact of not mentioning, we can " 田忌赛马". Then is there a real chance we can improve the playing standard in the competition ? I think at the end, i learn better maths in calculating possibilities. And maybe i can play better Lotto Toto...:-)
2.)When making any possible changes, i hope that the committee will take special attention to the weak teams. Some of the teams are really struggling to find good ladies players. And if have a one-sided lady single match, will that really improve the chinese playing standard ? i think perhaps it only demoralise the player morale. And not to mention, with the old system, a weak team might still have a possible chance to beat a slightly stronger team if the 田忌赛马 is corectly filled. But if we do incldue a lady single, will the weak team still stand a chance ???? I do not think by having a lady single will Improve greatly the playing standard of the chinese community. Did Martin (Hamburg) play in a 2 dyas All chinese competition to imrpove his standard of today ? Did Jasmin( previosuly from Mannheim) played in a 2 days event to be in the Germany National squad ?
3.)Why not we look back to what happen last year and try to make the competition better before proceeding with all the possible new events ?
And i have 2 points, teams from the same cities can only meet earliest in the Semi-Final. There were some protest when Koeln team 1 had to play the team 2. I do agreed in some points that its not fair. So maybe the commitee can look into this, just in case. It happens again this year.
Everyone wants to have good matches and fun. Personally, i think the best way to have fun and IMRPOVE the chinese playing standard is having what 阳宝 and Jiejiedog suggested. Maybe we still can do some tunning. In that way, we will all have lots of nice and interesting matches.
Above are my views. At the end of the day, its the friendship, sportsmanship and fun that counts.
Train hard all and we will all meet in few months time.