- 积分
- 7216
- 威望
- 954
- 金钱
- 4
- 阅读权限
- 90
- 在线时间
- 898 小时
发表于 2008-5-15 00:54
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Please Hear Our Voice (English Version)
Please Hear Our Voice
Dalai Lama, please hear our voice and realize why we distrust you.
You say you recognize the Chinese sovereignty in Tibet and accept the rule of Chinese central government in foreign affairs and national defense. Why do you repeatedly ask for withdraw of Chinese police and troops out of “Greater Tibet”? And the constitution of your exile government sounds more like independence than autonomy: “Whereas His Holiness the Dalai lama has offered a democratic system to Tibetans...Whereas efforts shall be made to transform a future Tibet into a Federal Democratic Self-Governing Republic...” Please don’t repeat the British imperialist pun on words “sovereignty” and “suzerainty”. And the exile Tibetan government must dissolve itself immediately, if you really recognize the Chinese sovereignty claim over the Tibet.
Your daydream of “Greater Tibet” is not a “Middle-Way Approach” but an ethnic cleansing in the five provinces of China. It neglects the human rights of all non-Tibetan families which have lived there for hundreds of years.
We miss your solid position in very fundamental issues due to peace and non-violence. If you are all for non-violence and human rights, why did you demonstrate your support for Iraq War in 2003 and say terror may need a violent reply? Why don’t you condemn this war crime of the US-government which has killed over 650,000 Iraqi civilians, wounded the millions and destroyed the whole country of Iraqi people? And ou call for nuclear disarmament. But as India tested its nuclear weapons, you said, “Don’t flay India on nuclear tests.”
We have taken notice that you accuse China of “Cultural Genocide” in Tibet. It is not your wisdom to tone down any ethnic conflict during the long-term cultural integration of multinational China but to stir up hatred against Chinese. Such a smear campaign against China is the ideal breeding ground for terrorism among the Tibetan separatists.
Free Tibet? Tibet has been freed from medieval slavery and theocracy since 1950, so that not only the 5% privileged clergies but also the other 95% of Tibetans can enjoy the freedom. China makes self-determination possible for women in Tibet and provides school education for all Tibetan children in a two-track system of teaching in Tibetan language and standard Chinese. The exile Tibetan government adopted English as the main language of instruction in their school system in Dharmasala, India. Are they guilty of cultural genocide then, for teaching in English?
And nowadays how oppressed Tibetans are: The life expectancy of Tibetans has improved from 35 in 1950 to 68 in 2000 due to higher living standard and better access to medical services, and infant mortality has dropped from 43% to 0.661% during the same period. Tibetan families are permitted to have up to three children, whereby the Hans are limited to one. Tibetan families in Tibet average 3.8 children, larger than exile Tibetan families in India.
Why are the religious institutions being regulated in Tibet? Avoiding them being used as vehicles of separatism. There is now 1 monk or nun for every 35 Tibetans, the highest of any Buddhist country in the world, and much higher than the relation of ministers and priests to parishioners in any Christian country in the world, where the ratio is often 1 to 1,000. And unlike in Christian countries, Tibetan clergies are paid by public money and heavily subsidized by tax revenue from China proper.
Dalai Lama, please talk with us while you talk with Chinese government. Experienced the murdering riot of some Tibetans on March 14th against the innocent non-Tibetans in Lhasa and watched the nonsense Tibetan violence against the Olympic torch which symbolizes the hope of peace, we distrust your spiritual ability to lead Tibetans to the right way out of the conflict.
The Chinese public opinion can’t be ignored. Nobody can deal anything about Tibet without 1.3 billion Chinese. We believe that the cultural integration of ethnic mix is the real middle way to enduring peace and prosperity. Dalai Lama, please use your influence with Tibetans not to try dead-end terrorism.
周坚2008年5月3日星期六起草于柏林 |