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标题: [职场信息] 大众职位更新-线上中国人才日招聘展会报名倒计时 [打印本页]

作者: Campus_China    时间: 2020-4-15 17:47     标题: 大众职位更新-线上中国人才日招聘展会报名倒计时

本帖最后由 Campus_China 于 2020-4-15 17:50 编辑

vw tianjin.png

Assistant Manager Heat Treatment Planning(Tianjin)

Entry Level Position

Your Responsibility:

·   Establishing the machine and equipment specification for new projects.

·   Technical change of heat treatment and new equipment planning of new projects.

·   Sourcing for machinery and equipment to get quotations and prepare these with technical evaluation for purchase decision process.

·   Monitoring of adherence of project milestones and deadlines.

·   Monitoring of adherence of the available project budget.

·   Creation of documents as well as presentation of current project status within project team.

·   Ensure heat treatment production according to all relevant standards, especially includingVDA, ISO, VW TQS, etc.

·   Support continuous monitoring and optimization of all processes, methods regarding efficiency, costs and environment.

Our Offer:

·    Great opportunities for professional and personal development

·    Diverse and challenging tasks

·    Individualtraining

·    International working environment

·    Attractive compensation package

Assistentdes Technischen Geschäftsführers(Tianjin)

Entry Level Position

Ihre Aufgaben:

·   Organisation und Protokollierung von Regelveranstaltungen wie z.B. das Produktions- und Manager-Meeting bezüglich der technischen Bereiche

·   Eigenverantwortlich für die in Sitzungen verteilten Aufträge sowie die Steuerung der vollständigen und zeitgerechten Weiterleitung zurGeschäftsleitung

·   Vorbereitung von Dokumenten für Werkleiterrunden,Vorstandssitzungen sowie
Entscheidungsunterlagen für Ausschüsse und Vorstandsorgane unter Anleitung desManagements

·   Unterstützung des Sekretariats bei der Organisation von Terminen sowie der Beschaffung und Erstellung der bezüglichen Unterlagen

·   Erledigung vielfältiger Sonderaufgaben entsprechend denManagementaufgaben

·   Unterstützung bei der Organisation von betrieblichenVeranstaltungen
(Personalversammlung, Company Day etc.)

·   übersetzen/Dolmetschen für die Geschäftsführung

Unser Angebot:

·   Viel Freiraum für persönliche Entwicklung

·   Abwechslungsreiche und herausfordernde Aufgaben

·   Internationale Arbeitsatmosphäre

·   Transparente Unternehmenspolitik

·   Vielfältige Karrierechancen und Weiterbildungsmöglichkeiten

·   Attraktive Vergütung

Quality Assembly Engineer(Tianjin)

Entry Level Position

Your responsibilities:

·   Make sure the series production running smoothly and guarantees quick reaction under emergency situation

·   Solve assembly problem, which cause complaints of test bench, audit, vehicle plants and end customer.

·   Support the new projects launch

·   Coordinate blocking, evaluating, reworking and releasing actions regarding abnormal parts and gearbox

·   Ensure good communication and team work with other departments

·   Compile the problem report and present in Q-round.

Our offer:

·   Great opportunities for professional and personal development

·   Diverse and challenging tasks

·   Individual training

·   International working environment

·   Attractive compensation package

Engineer Simulation & Calculation(Tianjin)

Entry LevelPosition

Your responsibilities:

·   Develop and apply tests on hybrid gearboxes, e motors and related NEV components, Develop Models for simulation and calculation of gearbox and gearbox components

·   Simulate & calculate associate with test method

·   Interpret results from simulations and component tests

·   Develop reports for simulation & calculation results

·   Compare test and calculation results to enhance models

·   Exchange knowledge, information with internal & external partners to improve the transmission design

·   Interpret component changes by simulation and calculations

Our offer:

·   Space for personal development

·   Diverse and challenging tasks

·   International working environment

·   Transparent company policy

·   Diverse career opportunities and opportunities for further development

Automatization and Programming (Tianjin)

Entry Level Position

Your responsibilities:

·   Realize theautomatization of all test benches

·   Enhance and improve the automatization program

·   Maintenance and update automatization system

·   Planning and developing of new programs

·   Realize special tests and analysis the test results

·   Training and Standardization for department

Our offer:

·   Space for personal development

·   Diverse and challenging tasks

·   International working environment

·   Transparent company policy

·   Diverse career opportunities and opportunities for further development

Please register to meet Volkswagen andother Top Employers like 4flow, Heraeus, OM Partners, and Trumpf(China) at the DIGITAL CHINESE TALENT DAYS 2020 –Register here,it is free!

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