在1997年9月25日于香港举行的各国中央银行会议上,世界银行总裁沃尔芬森(James D. Wolfensohn)指出,30亿以上的人,即地球一半以上的人,或者说1800年世界人口的三倍整,在每日不到2美元维生的状况下挣扎。他说:“我们活在定时炸弹之中,除非现在有所因应,否则这炸弹可能就爆炸在我们孩子面前。”约在同时,在华盛顿的人口研究院发表了一篇报告,说明82个国家(超过世界国家的半数)已经陷入危险,粮食生产不足,也无力输入足够的粮食来养活人民。
然而,泰诺人在西班牙人以及后来法国人所建立的农地上并非是听话的工人,他们气愤土地和孩子被强取豪夺,尝试要反抗入侵者。鉴于泰诺人公然阻碍西班牙人的进展,哥伦布施以杀鸡儆猴的严酷纪律,只要有一点点的冒犯,就割下鼻子或耳朵,以展示给村民知道西班牙人能多残忍。哥伦布放狗咬他们,把他们从肛门到嘴串在柱子上,然后射杀。最后泰诺人的生活实在难以忍受,如科尔多瓦(Pedro de Cordoba)写给斐迪南国王的信:“在痛苦煎熬及劳累下,他们选择自杀,有时一百人一起集体自杀,而妇女也不敢怀孕,一旦怀孕,不是堕胎,就是生产后亲手杀死婴儿,以免后代活在如此残暴的奴役压迫下。”
Last Hours of Ancient Sunlight
by Thom Hartmann
"Thom Hartmann here issues a wake-up call, loud and clear, that must literally be heard around the world -- and the sooner the better, for us and especially for our children."
--Daniel Quinn, author of Ishmael
"One of the most important books you will ever read."
--Neale Donald Walsch, author Conversations with God
Read more comments from Neale Donald Walsch
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Original Press Release
Sunlight warms the Earth with life. As our culture moved from ancient hunting/gathering times to the technological era, we discovered ancient sunlight -- captured millions of years ago by plants and compressed into oil deep under our soil and oceans. Now, as our planet's oil supplies are projected to last no more than thirty to fifty years, and species and cultures are dying off at an unprecedented rate, we confront difficult choices.
In this passionate yet thoroughly researched book, author Thom Hartmann proposes that the only lasting solution to the crises we face is to relearn the lessons of our ancient ancestors -- who lived sustainably for thousands of generations.
When you touch this new yet ancient way of seeing the world and hearing the voice of all life, you discover that you, personally, hold the power of personal and planetary transformation. In that breathtaking moment we see both a possible future for the survival of humanity and the fulfillment of our highest dreams and aspirations.