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标题: Cleanin Out My Closet [打印本页]

作者: buss    时间: 2005-4-20 21:08     标题: Cleanin Out My Closet




Where's my snare?
I have no snare on my headphones
There you go
Yo yo

Verse 1
Have you ever been hated, or discriminated against?
I have, I've been protested and demostrated against
Picket signs for my wicked rhymes, look at the times
Sick as the mind, of the mothafuckin' kid that's behind
All this commotion, emotions run deep as oceans explodin'
Tempers flarin' from parents just blow 'em off and keep goin'
Not takin' nothin' from no one, give em hell long as I'm breathin'
Keep kickin' ass in the mornin', and takin' names in the evenin'
Leave them with a taste sour as vinegar in they mouth
See they can trigger me, but they'll never figure me out
Look at me now, I betcha prolly sick of me now
Ain't you mama, I'ma make you look so ridiculous now

Chorus (2x)
I'm sorry mama
I never meant to hurt you
I never meant make you cry
But tonight, I'm cleanin' out my closet

One More Time

I said,
I'm sorry mama
I never meant to hurt you
I never meant make you cry
But tonight, I'm cleanin' out my closet

Verse 2
I got some skeletons in my closet
And I don't know if no one knows it
So before they throw me inside my coffin and close it
Imma expose it, I'll take you back to '73
Before I ever had a multi-platinum sellin' CD
I was a baby maybe I was just a couple of months
My faggot father must've had his panties up in a bunch
'Cause he split, I wonder if he even kissed me goodbye
No I don't, on second thought I just fuckin' wished he would die
I look at Hailie, and I couldn't picture leavin' her side
Even if I hated Kim, I'd grit my teeth and I try to make it work
With her at least for Hailie's sake I maybe made some mistakes
But I'm only human but I'm man enough to face 'em today
What I did was stupid, no doubt it was dumb
But the smartest shit I did was take the bullets outta that gun
Cause I'd of killed 'em, shit I woulda shot Kim and them both
It's my life, I'd like to welcome ya'll to The Eminem show

Chorus (2x)

Verse 3
Now I would never diss my own mama just to get recognition
Take a second to listen for who you think this record is dissin'
But put yourself in my position, just try to envision
Witnessin' your mama poppin' prescription pills in the kitchen
Bitchin' that someone's always going through her purse and shit's missin'
Goin' through public housing systems, victim of Munchhausen Syndrome
My whole life I was made to believe I was sick when I wasn't
'Til I grew up, now I blew up it makes you sick to your stomach, doesn't it?
Wasn't it the reason you made that CD for me, MA?
So you could try to justify the way you treated me, MA?
But guess what, your gettin' older now and it's cold when your lonely
And Nathan's growin' up so quick he's gonna know that your phoney
And Hailie's gettin' so big now, you should see her, she's beautiful
But you'll never see her, she won't even be at your funeral *hahaha*
See what hurts me the most, is you wont admit you was wrong
Bitch, do your song, keep tellin' yourself that you was a mom
But how dare you try to take what you didn't help me to get
You selfish bitch, I hope you fuckin' burn in hell for this shit!
Remember when Ronnie died and you said you wished it was me?
Well guess what, I am dead, dead to you as can be!!
作者: AT700-YY    时间: 2005-4-20 21:32 ... ningoutmycloset.ram"
作者: buss    时间: 2005-4-20 21:34


作者: buss    时间: 2005-4-20 21:34

这个是用real播放器  你机器里不是没有吧。。。
作者: AT700-YY    时间: 2005-4-20 21:36

作者: AT700-YY    时间: 2005-4-20 21:37

作者: buss    时间: 2005-4-20 21:38

作者: AT700-YY    时间: 2005-4-20 21:40

作者: buss    时间: 2005-4-20 21:41

作者: AT700-YY    时间: 2005-4-20 21:44

作者: buss    时间: 2005-4-20 21:47

作者: chinesehejing    时间: 2005-4-20 22:02

作者: buss    时间: 2005-4-20 22:03

作者: AT700-YY    时间: 2005-4-20 22:06

作者: buss    时间: 2005-4-20 22:09

我靠  强
作者: 家乡菜    时间: 2005-4-20 23:19

你最爱的吗? 好象是去年就出品的吧. 我也觉得挺经典的. EMINEM很酷的. 我看过他说他一生曾最爱的两个女人,一个人他妈,一个是他前FRAU, 但她们都只爱他的钱. 这个VIDEO里是不是就在讲述他的不幸童年?
作者: buss    时间: 2005-4-20 23:49

Originally posted by 家乡菜 at 2005-4-20 23:19:
你最爱的吗? 好象是去年就出品的吧. 我也觉得挺经典的. EMINEM很酷的. 我看过他说他一生曾最爱的两个女人,一个人他妈,一个是他前FRAU, 但她们都只爱他的钱. 这个VIDEO里是不是就在讲述他的不幸童年?



首先我认为他是个天才  不仅在作曲编曲上面  还有作词  

很多人觉得说唱就是说话  其实不对  因为说话也有层次水平的差别 他的词一直相当见血相当顺畅  以至于听到他的后期作品的时候往往他已经能说的比唱的还好听  而且如果你仔细看他歌词的话  能发现真的写的非常好  很多问题  家庭的  社会的  国家之间的  男女之间的  他都能非常准确地描述出来然后加上自己的见解  这就说明首先他是个很有思想的人

好多人  喜欢他  因为他骂人  骂的非常狠  但是我欣赏的是他骂的非常准  看上去他似乎在乱咬人  但其实他骂的  很多都是该骂的  比如在Mosh的MTV里面他针对伊美关系大骂 fuck bush

这个Video讲的是他的童年  他和他母亲的关系已经恶到不能再恶  每出一张专辑  他都会有几首作品在痛骂他的母亲  并模仿杀掉她

平心而论这个人是有很多缺点的  首先很多人就看不上偏激的人  但他能恨一个人恨好多年并保持一种对社会的批判情绪这么久  本身就说明其实他是有心理疾病的  但这也帮助了他在说唱事业上的成功
而相反很多一开始很不爽的说唱手  挣大钱之后  生活安逸了  立刻就没有了原来的敏感和冲动  慢慢就消声匿迹

他在对音乐的把握能力上面  我超级佩服
我从2001年开始听他的音乐  从第一张专辑开始
那时候  说实话  不好听  尤其是第一张专辑  那时候真的是配着节奏在说话  发音死板  盲目追求速度和押韵  总之火候把握的不好
而现在4年过去  他已经是自己的制作人  一切编曲作词都可以自己搞定  而且像这首歌这样的作品  里面说唱的部分已经很顺畅很细腻了  配乐的多样化也丰富了他的音乐元素

总之我认为  在说唱领域   确实高手如云  但在业务能力和个性方面综合起来能超越他的  几乎没有
作者: henghenghaha    时间: 2005-4-21 00:28

作者: buss    时间: 2005-4-21 00:34


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