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标题: 2019中国人才日CTD-展会倒计时20天-2019最新职位持续更新! [打印本页]

作者: Campus_China    时间: 2017-3-8 13:03     标题: 2019中国人才日CTD-展会倒计时20天-2019最新职位持续更新!

本帖最后由 Campus_China 于 2019-3-24 20:34 编辑

中国人才日 CTD2019

由Campus China主办的第九届中国人才日(Chinese Talent Days)工作招聘展会即将于2019年4月12-13日在德国科隆召开。届时,来自中德两国各行业的优秀企业将齐聚美丽的莱茵河畔,与具有德国、欧洲留学背景的中国青年专业人才交流,为企业的蓬勃发展寻找助力。

展会正式举办前,Campus China官方平台将定期为各位求职者提供大量企业工作岗位信息,欢迎感兴趣的求职者提前关注和申请。不想错过更新内容的求职者们也可以加入中国人才日官方微信群获取职位信息。本帖将会持续更新2019最新职位!


2019-3-14 12:16

图片附件: Weibo-CTD2019.png (2019-3-14 12:16, 52.59 KB) / 下载次数 3176

图片附件: Weibo-CTD2019.png (2019-3-14 12:29, 52.59 KB) / 下载次数 3078

作者: Campus_China    时间: 2017-3-9 22:47

本帖最后由 Campus_China 于 2019-3-14 14:43 编辑

2019 最新职位:

Testing Engineer/测试工程师_ATMO


Entry Level Position

Job Description

*Customer requirement analysis and support concept design for BOSCH product testing.

*Using equipment in the hydraulic labs to design and verify test processes.

* Electrical hardware design with E-plan.

*Software development using LabView and Teststand.

* Station controlling and process realization with PLC or Beckhoff.

*System tryout and rampup both inhouse and at customer side.

*Hydraulic engineering and understanding of hydraulic and PN plan are preferred.


*Master degree and good knowledge in NI LabVIEW and Test stand programming. Good knowledge in physics. Experiences in electric system design (both HW and SW).

*Familiar with LabVIEW or Teststand programming.

*Experience in special machinery industry

*Practical experiences in electrical system design with HW&SW experiences. Experiences in mechanical engineering.

*Good English skills.

Please register to meet Bosch and other Top Employers like BMW, CRRC Zelc, Continental, Covestro, eepos, Karl Dungs, Laserline, Plansee, Schaeffler, Thyssenkrupp, Trumpf, Volkswagen and many more at the CHINESE TALENT DAYS, 12/13 April in Cologne – Register here, it is free!

作者: Campus_China    时间: 2017-3-10 07:51

本帖最后由 Campus_China 于 2019-3-14 14:43 编辑

2019 最新职位:

市场营销经理 / Marketing Manager

中国西安 / Xi'an, China

Entry Level Position



Job Description:

Develope regional markets in Latin American






1. Those with experience in the electromechanical industry are preferred;

2. Proficient in reading and writing in both Spanish and Portuguese, with business negotiation experience;

3. Foreigners mastering Chinese are preferred.

Please register to meet CRRC Zelc and other Top Employers like Bosch, BMW, BSinprocon, 4flow, Covestro, eepos, Karl Dungs, Laserline, Plansee, Schaeffler, thyssenkrupp, Volkswagen and many more at the CHINESE TALENT DAYS, 12/13 April in Cologne – Register here, it is free!

作者: Campus_China    时间: 2017-3-10 08:00

本帖最后由 Campus_China 于 2019-3-14 14:43 编辑

2019 最新职位:

Senior Sales Engineer - Technique Project 高级销售工程师-技术项目


Experienced Position

Job Description

* Develop key customer in target market segments for regularly business; 开发常规业务的目标市场中的关键客户;

* Approaching potential customer until gain order; 接触潜在客户以获得订单;

* Reach or overachieve yearly project sales target; 完成或超额完成年度项目销售目标;

* Maximizing customer satisfaction rate by customer orientation behavior; 以客户为导向,尽可能最大化地获得的客户满意度;

* Support cross-selling with other departments of Rexroth and Bosch and external partners to ensure the best and efficient solution of quotation and project proposal for both parties; 支持力士乐、博世和其他合作伙伴的交叉销售,确保解决方案对于双方皆为最佳和最高效的.

Please register to meet Bosch and other Top Employers like BMW, CRRC Zelc, Continental, Covestro, eepos, Karl Dungs, Laserline, Plansee, Schaeffler, Thyssenkrupp, Trumpf, Volkswagen and many more at the CHINESE TALENT DAYS, 12/13 April in Cologne – Register here, it is free!

作者: Campus_China    时间: 2017-3-12 10:19

本帖最后由 Campus_China 于 2019-3-14 14:45 编辑


Informatiker - Data Scientist


Entry Level Position

Ihr Profil

*Abgeschlossenes oder laufendes Studium im Bereich Informatik, Mathematik

*Sehr gutes konzeptorientiertes und analytisches Denken

*Kenntnisse in den Programmiersprachen C++ und Python

*Gute Auffassungsgabe und selbstständiger, organisierter und strukturierter Arbeitsstil

*Sehr gute Deutsch- und Englischkenntnisse in Wort und Schrift (mind. B2)

*Hohe IT Affinität, sicherer Umgang mit MS-Office sowie allen gängigen Kommunikationsmedien

*Grundlegendes Verständnis von SQL im Design und Aufbau von Datenbanksystemen

*Grundsätzliche Reisebereitschaft (ca. eine EU-Reise pro Monat)

Unser Angebot

*Die Möglichkeit unmittelbar in die Mobilitätsbranche einzutauchen

*Ein internationales Umfeld mit globalen Herausforderungen

*Die Chance, eigene Ideen zu entwickeln und einzubringen

*Die Möglichkeit die Beratungsbranche kennenzulernen und sich zum Consultant zu entwickeln

* Eine wertschätzende Firmenkultur und ein starkes Team, in dem Sie als Mensch zählen

*Gezielte Aus- und Weiterbildungsprogramme (interne und externe Trainings)

Please register to meet EFS Consulting and other Top Employers like Bosch, BMW, CRRC Zelc, Continental, Covestro, eepos, Karl Dungs, Laserline, Plansee, Schaeffler, Thyssenkrupp, Trumpf, Volkswagen and many more at the CHINESE TALENT DAYS, 12/13 April in Cologne – Register here, it is free!

作者: Campus_China    时间: 2017-3-17 15:11

本帖最后由 Campus_China 于 2019-3-14 14:47 编辑


Function Software Developer (PMA)/功能软件开发工程师(倒车雷达系统)_BEG


Entry Level Position

Job Description

* SW (ASW) development for PMA function in customer project


* Support system requirement analysis and system design in PMA customer projects


* Participate requirement discussion with customers and Bosch internal partner


* Support PMA system integration, working together with software, test and application team.


* Support PMA system integration, working together with software, test and application team.


* Support technical activities for project acquisition and development


* Follow company development and quality processes


Please register to meet Bosch and other Top Employers like BMW, CRRC Zelc, Continental, Covestro, eepos, Karl Dungs, Laserline, Plansee, Schaeffler, Thyssenkrupp, Trumpf, Volkswagen and many more at the CHINESE TALENT DAYS, 12/13 April in Cologne –Register here, it is free!

作者: Campus_China    时间: 2017-3-17 15:18

本帖最后由 Campus_China 于 2019-3-24 20:39 编辑

2019-3-24 20:36

整车电气能量管理系统工程师/ EEM System Engineer_BEG


Entry Level Position

Job Description

System Engineer for EEM, BRS, powernet and communication development

- 客户需求分析;
  Acceptance and clarification of customer requirements;
- 开发:
  Development of:
- 系统需求定义;
  System requirements specification;
- 电气系统分析;
  Powernet analysis;
- 电气系统拓扑结构定义;
  Defining the powernet topology;
- 安全概念定义;
  Defining a safety concept;
- 产品选型;
  Selections of components;
- 通信网络;   
  Communication network;            
- 终端概念;
Terminal concept;                     
- 线束;      
  Wiring harness;            
- 支持软件开发;
  Support software engineer;
- 整车试制。
  Vehicle commissioning.         


Master Degree in University major: Automotive engineering, electrics/electronics or SW-engineering.

        Desired skills:

- 熟练使用Matlab/Simulink;
Excellent knowledge of Matlab/Simulink;
- 精通使用C语言进行嵌入式软件开发;
  Good knowledge of C-language for embedded SW development;
- 了解整车系统;有汽车相关开发经验优先考虑;
  Understanding of complete vehicle. Experience in the automotive development preferred;
- 有整车测量经验优先考虑;
  Experience with vehicle measurements preferred;
- 了解电池系统优先考虑;
  Knowledge about batteries preferred;
- 自信;
  Confident appearance;
- 良好英语听说读写能力;
  Good knowledge of English language;
- 良好团队合作能力;
  Good ability to work together with a team;
- 具备创新能力;
  Creative mind;
- 具备自我激励能力;
  Self motivated;
- 有驾照优先考虑。
  Driver license preferred.

Please register to meet Bosch andother Top Employers like BMW, CRRC Zelc,Continental, Covestro, eepos, Karl Dungs, Laserline, Plansee, Schaeffler,Thyssenkrupp, Trumpf, Volkswagen and many more at the CHINESE TALENTDAYS, 12/13 April in Cologne – Register here,it is free!

图片附件: cefc1e178a82b9018d10cd7a728da9773912ef3e.jpg (2019-3-24 20:36, 132.41 KB) / 下载次数 2763

作者: Campus_China    时间: 2017-3-18 09:24

本帖最后由 Campus_China 于 2019-3-24 20:40 编辑

2019-3-24 20:39


Düsseldorf, Germany

Entry Level Position


* Auf- und Ausbau weltweiter Kundenbeziehungen sowie Betreuung der Kunden

* Akquisition von Neuaufträgen für ausgewählte Produktbereiche

* Leitung von Projekten in der Angebots- und Abwicklungsphase

* Erstellung von Angeboten und Angebots- sowie Projektkalkulationen

* Führung von Angebots- und Auftragsverhandlung

* Koordination der externen wie internen Projektbeteiligten und Organisation des Projektteams

* Erstellung von Projektterminplänen

* Führung von Gesprächen und Koordinierung der Kommunikation mit Auftraggeber, Partner, Behörden und Lieferanten

* Präsentation des Projekts

* Erstellung von Protokollen, Statusberichten und Risikobetrachtungen

* überleitung der Aufträge an den After Sales

* Anregung zur Produktpflege sowie zu Vertriebsstrategien


• Abgeschlossene technische Berufsausbildung, z. B. als

Elektroniker für Betriebstechnik (m/w/d) mit anschließendem

Studium der Elektrotechnik oder vergleichbar

• Berufserfahrung im Vertrieb

• Kenntnisse in der Bahnbranche sowie in Vertriebstechniken

und im Projektmanagement

• Betriebswirtschaftliche und kaufmännische Grundkenntnisse

• Verhandlungssichere Englischkenntnisse in Wort und Schrift, idealerweise zusätzliche Fremdsprachenkenntnisse

• Führerschein der Klasse B

• Gute PC-Kenntnisse (Office, PPS)

• Selbstständigkeit, Teamfähigkeit, Reise- und Einsatzbereitschaft, innovatives Denken sowie Eigenverantwortung und Belastbarkeit

Please register to meet Knorr-Bremseand other Top Employers like Bosch,BMW, CRRC Zelc, Daimler, Covestro, eepos, EFS Consulting, Karl Dungs,Laserline, Plansee, Schaeffler, Thyssenkrupp, Trumpf, Volkswagen and manymore at the CHINESE TALENT DAYS, 12/13 April in Cologne – Register here,it is free!

图片附件: knorrbremse.png (2019-3-24 20:39, 128.4 KB) / 下载次数 2743

作者: Campus_China    时间: 2017-3-18 09:26

本帖最后由 Campus_China 于 2019-3-24 20:41 编辑

2019-3-24 20:40

Junior Project Engineer (m/f/d) Test Stand

Shanghai (Zhangjiang Hi-Tech Park Pudong)

Entry Level Position

As part of our expansion we are looking to strengthen our small team of dedicated engineers in Shanghai (Zhangjiang Hi-Tech Park Pudong). We plan and realize test systems for automotive development, chiefly for the powertrain, exhaust gas turbocharger, electric vehicle drive systems and batteries. The company focuses in particular on test systems for energy-saving and environmentally-friendly drive concepts.

Please register to meet Kratzer andother Top Employers like Bosch, BMW,CRRC Zelc, Continental, Covestro, eepos, Karl Dungs, Laserline, Plansee,Schaeffler, Thyssenkrupp, Trumpf, Volkswagen and many more at the CHINESETALENT DAYS, 12/13 April in Cologne – Register here,it is free!

图片附件: kratzer.png (2019-3-24 20:40, 114.57 KB) / 下载次数 2731

作者: Campus_China    时间: 2017-3-18 09:28

本帖最后由 Campus_China 于 2019-3-24 20:43 编辑

2019-3-24 20:42

Process Engineer


Entry Level Position

Plansee High Performance Materials is part of an international group with more than 14,000 employees worldwide. Our world is powder metallurgy – from ore right through to ready-to-use components. High-precision products made from high-tech materials for demanding customers from innovative industries.

To support our team we are looking for a Process Engineer, Production Technology, China

Your Responsibilities

· You support the localization of current and future projects

· You define and implement production processes and equipment

· You support the financial planning and calculationof future production

· You assist and consult customers in the design/process arrangement of cost benefit optimized products and process solutions

· You are responsible for training, education and sensitization of assistant engineer to prepare them for customer requests

· You manage the technical part of customer projects and new products together with the Sales and development department

· You assist to lead technological teams in production e.g. Metallurgy

Your Profile

· Master’s degree in Engineering (Material Science, Mechanical, Process Engineering or similar)

· Basic knowledge of industrial manufacturing

· Overseas education background or working experience at European company (German and Austrian companies preferred)

· Experience with leading a team to do research and complete papers

· Ability to independently read and digest modern refractory metals and frontier documents

· Strong Chinese and English skills (German is a plus)

· Good Windows and Microsoft office skills

· Team player with intercultural competence

· Willingness to learn

We Offer

· On-the-job training at our headquarters in Reutte, Austria and global exposure

· Development opportunities in China and abroad

· Responsible tasks in an international high-tech company

· Open and straight-forward culture

· Good working atmosphere

· Joint activities, for example family day
Please register to meet Plansee andother Top Employers like BMNW, Bosch,Daimler, CRRC Zelc, Trumpf, Covestro, eepos, Karl Dungs, Laserline, Plansee,Schaeffler, Thyssenkrupp, Volkswagen and many more at the CHINESE TALENTDAYS, 12/13 April in Cologne – Register here,it is free!

图片附件: 2.png (2019-3-24 20:42, 66.9 KB) / 下载次数 2740

作者: Campus_China    时间: 2017-3-18 09:29

本帖最后由 Campus_China 于 2019-3-24 20:44 编辑

2019-3-24 20:44
Legal Counsel (Tianjin)

Entry Level Position

Your responsibility

This role as a legal counsel will work independently under the direct supervision of the Head of Legal, responsible for handling legal support requests from internal customers involving purchasing and logistics and managing relevant legal actions, including:

· Managing and deciding on all aspects of legal matters related to the business operation of Purchasing Department at our two component companies, including but not limited to drafting, reviewing and independently negotiating contracts and agreements in English and Chinese, providing legal advice, advising solutions for situations of new legislation which requires changes of business process at the companies, including atypical contracts without precedent which require creative individual legal solutions

· Managing and deciding on all Logistics related legal matters in our component companies, including but not limited to drafting, reviewing and independently negotiating complex contracts and policies, providing legal advice, advising solutions etc.

· Guiding and managing external lawyers in terms of handling litigational actions including litigation and arbitration initiated by or against the companies

· Other tasks assigned by the Head of Legal related to Purchasing and Logistics

Our Requirements

· Master’s degree from top law school in China or overseas, preferably with a lawyer’s license in China

· 2-3 years of experiences as in-house counsel in well-known MNC or lawyer in top-tier international law firm with practice in contract law and corporate law in China

· Comprehensive and broad knowledge in all fields of law relevant for an in-house legal practice (e.g. corporate, contract law etc.)

· Proficiency in using English as working language (written & oral)

· Ability to work independently with sound analytical and problem-solving skills

· Customer-oriented with strong self-motivation and well-organized with strong sense of accountability, responsibility and ownership

· Excellent interpersonal skills with team work spirit and willing to share other people's workload when necessary

Please register to meet Volkswagenand other Top Employers like CRRCZelc, Continental, Covestro, BMW, Daimler, Trumpf, eepos, Karl Dungs,Laserline, Plansee, Schaeffler, Thyssenkrupp and many more at the CHINESETALENT DAYS, 12/13 April in Cologne – Register here,it is free!

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作者: Campus_China    时间: 2017-3-24 13:22

本帖最后由 Campus_China 于 2019-3-24 20:44 编辑

作者: Campus_China    时间: 2017-3-24 13:45

本帖最后由 Campus_China 于 2017-3-25 05:51 编辑

ThyssenK (1).jpg
2017-3-24 13:44

JOBS at Thyssenkrupp

PCHZ-DLE-Lean Engineer

(Changzhou, Jiangsu Province)

Vacation Job:

* Layout dimensioning

* Design and implementation of material flows in the location according to FLOW principles

* Define required hardware and invest

* Develop LEAN solutions for RM/WIP/FG, align proposals within PCHZ

* University degree, Good command in English

Please register to meet Thyssenkrupp and other Top Employers like BASF, Bosch, Continental, Daimler, HILTI, Volkswagen and many more at the CHINESE TALENT DAYS, 3/4 May in Cologne – Register here, it is free!

PCHZ-DQCF-Chemical Engineer

(Changzhou, Jiangsu Province)

Vacation Job:

* Implementing and further developing chemical laboratory analyses

* Chemical process support for surface treatment/part cleaning

* Laboratory management

* Participation in projects in the Chemistry/Corrosion Protection/ Environment department

* Chemical engineering degree

* Fluent spoken and written English

Please register to meet Thyssenkrupp and other Top Employers like BASF, Bosch, Continental, Daimler, HILTI, Volkswagen and many more at the CHINESE TALENT DAYS, 3/4 May in Cologne – Register here, it is free!

图片附件: ThyssenK (1).jpg (2017-3-24 13:44, 15.6 KB) / 下载次数 2036

作者: Campus_China    时间: 2017-3-27 12:02

2017-3-27 12:02

JOBS at Shunde Kautex Plastics Technology

Marketing Specialist

(Shunde Foshan Guangdong)

Experienced Position:

* College graduate or above, Major in Marketing and/or Sales

* Good English communication skills (add. German language is preferred)

* 3 years or more experience in Marketing

* Good communication ability with German Headquarters

Please register to meet Shunde Kautex and other Top Employers like BASF, Bosch, Continental, Daimler, HILTI, Volkswagen and many more at the CHINESE TALENT DAYS, 3/4 May in Cologne – Register here, it is free!


(Shunde Foshan Guangdong)

Experienced Position:

* University Graduate, Bachelor degree or above

* Major in mechanic / fluid / electric or Engineering relative

* Excellent communication skills

* If supervisor, prefer minimum of 2 years in Management Position

* Good English skills, verbal & written. German is preferred

Please register to meet Shunde Kautex and other Top Employers like BASF, Bosch, Continental, Daimler, HILTI, Volkswagen and many more at the CHINESE TALENT DAYS, 3/4 May in Cologne – Register here, it is free!

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作者: Campus_China    时间: 2017-4-1 01:00

2017-4-1 01:00

JOBS at Bosch Automotive Products (Suzhou)

Project Engineer


Entry Level Position:

* Leading contact person for the intern team and customer starts from the PO until the handover to the service department

* Responsible for the achievement of project goals during the project as well as the overall responsibility for all outcomes on the project

* Knowledge in the coherence of business administrational processes

* Knowledge of methods and tools of project management

* Knowledge in the areas of configuration management

Please register to meet Bosch and other Top Employers like BASF, Continental, Daimler, HILTI, Thyssenkrupp, Volkswagen and many more at the CHINESE TALENT DAYS, 3/4 May in Cologne – Register here, it is free!

图片附件: bosch_JMP.jpg (2017-4-1 01:00, 19.94 KB) / 下载次数 2013

作者: Campus_China    时间: 2017-4-2 05:57

本帖最后由 Campus_China 于 2017-4-2 06:05 编辑

2017-4-2 06:00

JOBS at Bosch Rexroth (Beijing) Hydraulic

Trainee Programme - Production management


Entry Level Position:

* Production chain management with focus on cost, quality and on time delivery

* People management and development

* Plan, control and report the production performance

* Knowledge of manufacturing industry, Experience of project management is appreciated

* Master degree majored in mechanics or related majors

* Good demand of English both in written and oral

Please register to meet Bosch and other Top Employers like BASF, Continental, Daimler, HILTI, Thyssenkrupp, Volkswagen and many more at the CHINESE TALENT DAYS, 3/4 May in Cologne – Register here, it is free!

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作者: Campus_China    时间: 2017-4-2 06:22

本帖最后由 Campus_China 于 2017-4-2 06:29 编辑

2017-4-2 06:22

JOBS at 4flow

Internship in Logistics Transportation and Network Planning



* Quantitative analysis and evaluation of supply chain data, processes and networks

* Support the identification and evaluation of weaknesses and creation of various optimization scenarios

* Tactical planning of transportation networks and route implementation

* Student currently enrolled in a bachelor’s or master’s degree program

* Available to work 2–3 days per week for a period of at least 3 months

Please register to meet 4flow and other Top Employers like BASF, Bosch, Continental, Daimler, HILTI, Thyssenkrupp, Volkswagen and many more at the CHINESE TALENT DAYS, 3/4 May in Cologne – Register here, it is free!

图片附件: 4flow.jpg (2017-4-2 06:22, 8.51 KB) / 下载次数 2041

作者: Campus_China    时间: 2017-4-2 06:30

2017-4-2 06:30

Jobs at 4flow

Software Support Specialist


Entry Level Position:

* Provide customer support in Chinese and English for key users of 4flow vista® via telephone, email and our user platform

* Support customers in the installation and configuration of 4flow vista®

* Perform fault analysis and clearance in close cooperation with our software development and product management teams

* Good university degree in business, computer science, engineering, or comparable studies

* Chinese native with advanced English proficiency

Please register to meet 4flow and other Top Employers like BASF, Bosch, Continental, Daimler, HILTI, Thyssenkrupp, Volkswagen and many more at the CHINESE TALENT DAYS, 3/4 May in Cologne – Register here, it is free!

图片附件: 4flow.jpg (2017-4-2 06:30, 8.51 KB) / 下载次数 1952

作者: Campus_China    时间: 2017-4-2 06:41

2017-4-2 06:41

JOBS at Hüttenes-Albertus Chemische Werke

Supervisor Technical Service


Entry Level Position:

* Development and optimization of testing and analytic methods

* Verification and validation of new developed or optimized products and testing methods in collaboration with product manager and product responsible.

* Cataloguing and reporting of test / trial results as well as testing methods for HA China

* Person with foundry, engineering and / or chemical vocational or bachelor degree

* English and German both written and spoken

Please register to meet Hüttenes-Albertus Chemische Werke and other Top Employers like BASF, Bosch, Continental, Daimler, HILTI, Thyssenkrupp, Volkswagen and many more at the CHINESE TALENT DAYS, 3/4 May in Cologne – Register here, it is free!

Product Manager


Entry Level Position:

* Customer care and support

* Visit customers together with sales team in order to optimize processes through the implementation of HA materials, technologies and services

* Organize and manage projects for trials including casting trials at customers

* Responsibility for the development of an innovative product portfolio as well as services/solutions for the foundry industry

* University degree in the field of foundry engineering, mechanical engineering, materials science, mineralogy or refractory materials

Please register to meet Hüttenes-Albertus Chemische Werke and other Top Employers like BASF, Bosch, Continental, Daimler, HILTI, Thyssenkrupp, Volkswagen and many more at the CHINESE TALENT DAYS, 3/4 May in Cologne – Register here, it is free!

图片附件: huettenes.jpg (2017-4-2 06:41, 19.1 KB) / 下载次数 1973

作者: Campus_China    时间: 2017-4-4 19:07

本帖最后由 Campus_China 于 2017-4-4 19:16 编辑

2017-4-4 19:06

JOBS at Continental

Product Development Engineer- Tire SH

(Shanghai Yangpu)

Entry Level Position:

- Work-packages in running development projects incl. ensuring the defined targets

- Further development of existing product lines on demand of internal / external customers

- Introduction of new products into production, in close cooperation with other departments

- Set up and evaluation of necessary tire tests

- Taking over the project leadership for the development of new products

- Mechanical Engineer or comparable scientific education

Please register to meet Continental and other Top Employers like BASF, Bosch, Daimler, HILTI, Thyssenkrupp, Volkswagen and many more at the CHINESE TALENT DAYS, 3/4 May in Cologne – Register here, it is free!

Senior System Test Engineer - Driving Function - ADAS

(Shanghai Jiading)

Experienced Position:

* Driving Function Test Management

* Support for technical system quoting

* Establish Design and Verification Plan (DVP)

* Ensure system integration by Vehicle Tests on System Level

* Establish Test Report as base for System Release Recommendation

* Bachelor's degree or above, major in Automotive, Engineering or other related

* 2 years' working experience at automotive industry, 1 year at vehicle test field

Please register to meet Continental and other Top Employers like BASF, Bosch, Daimler, HILTI, Thyssenkrupp, Volkswagen and many more at the CHINESE TALENT DAYS, 3/4 May in Cologne – Register here, it is free!

图片附件: Continental.jpg (2017-4-4 19:06, 61.19 KB) / 下载次数 1979

作者: Campus_China    时间: 2017-4-4 19:16

2017-4-4 19:16

Jobs at Continental

Team Leader Embedded Software – ADAS

(Shanghai Jiading)

Experienced Position:

* Break down work packages assigned to software development management and monitor the process of task conducting

* Manage software development (cost/timing/scope) for ADAS embedded software, and ensure software requirement coverage

* Align all SW related activities regarding availability, setup, methods and conduction

* Bachelor's degree or above, major in Engineering or other related

* At least 5 years' working experience in Automotive Industry, minimum 3 years in ADAS software development field

Please register to meet Continental and other Top Employers like BASF, Bosch, Daimler, HILTI, Thyssenkrupp, Volkswagen and many more at the CHINESE TALENT DAYS, 3/4 May in Cologne – Register here, it is free!

图片附件: Continental.jpg (2017-4-4 19:16, 61.19 KB) / 下载次数 2387

作者: Campus_China    时间: 2017-4-4 19:25

2017-4-4 19:25


Product Specialist - Bending Machine

(Jiangsu Taicang)

Entry Level Position:

* Provide ongoing product support and technical training to sales representatives

* Define and implement market introduction strategies for new products

* Support decisions on product strategy for the Chinese market

* Master degree from overseas University or top Chinese University

* 0-3 years of experience in product management or marketing management in a high technology environment ... st-bending-machine/

Please register to meet TRUMPF and other Top Employers like BASF, Bosch, Continental, Daimler, HILTI, Thyssenkrupp, Volkswagen and many more at the CHINESE TALENT DAYS, 3/4 May in Cologne – Register here, it is free!

图片附件: trumpf.jpg (2017-4-4 19:25, 16.51 KB) / 下载次数 2351

作者: Campus_China    时间: 2017-4-4 19:38

2017-4-4 19:37

JOBS at United Automotive Electronic Systems

Internship for Graduation Project



* Study of laser welding

* Study of trickle insulation and powder coating.

* Study of pin bending and inserting

* Study of rotor balancing

* Study of motor (final) assembling

* Study of production test (leakage test, electrical test or EOL test)

Please register to meet Bosch and other Top Employers like BASF, Continental, Daimler, HILTI, Thyssenkrupp, Volkswagen and many more at the CHINESE TALENT DAYS, 3/4 May in Cologne – Register here, it is free!

JOBS at Bosch Automotive Products (Suzhou)

AIT Simulation Engineer


Entry Level Position:

* Technical Development of Assembly and Interconnect Technology (AIT)

* FE simulation and reliability analysis of new and improved technologies

* Simulation support for local and global product development projects and local plant

* Method development to further extend simulation capabilities or increase efficiency

* Master in computational engineering, material science, mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, physics or comparable studies

* Desirable for PhD

Please register to meet Bosch and other Top Employers like BASF, Continental, Daimler, HILTI, Thyssenkrupp, Volkswagen and many more at the CHINESE TALENT DAYS, 3/4 May in Cologne – Register here, it is free!

图片附件: bosch_JMP.jpg (2017-4-4 19:37, 19.94 KB) / 下载次数 2067

作者: Campus_China    时间: 2017-4-8 13:11

daimler (1).png
2017-4-8 13:10

JOBS at Daimler

Speech Technology/ Development


Experienced Position:

We are developing telematics feature together with competitive local service provider and verifying our results in collaboration with our R&D in USA and Germany

* Analyze speech requirements

* Develop speech concepts

* Specify feature requirement for the next telematics system

* Coordinate with RD center in Germany, Tier1 and Tier2

* Master/bachelor science degree, study of speech technologies

* Chinese (Mandarin): native speaker, English: fluent written and spoken, German is a plus

Please register to meet Daimler and other Top Employers like BASF, Bosch, Continental, HILTI, Thyssenkrupp, Volkswagen and many more at the CHINESE TALENT DAYS, 3/4 May in Cologne – Register here, it is free!

图片附件: daimler (1).png (2017-4-8 13:10, 8.75 KB) / 下载次数 2179

作者: Campus_China    时间: 2017-4-8 13:18

daimler (1).png
2017-4-8 13:18

Overall Vehicle Testing Engineer (Chassis and Suspension)


Entry Level Position:

* Evaluating and verifying test vehicles regarding Chassis and Suspension behavior

* Leading the chassis and suspension testing process including testing implementation, issue finding, issue documentation, issue analysis, issue tracking and final presentation

* Bachelor degree or above in mechanical engineering, and vehicle engineering is a plus

* Graduates with first experience in automotive industry (including internships)

* Excellent driving skills

Please register to meet Daimler and other Top Employers like BASF, Bosch, Continental, HILTI, Thyssenkrupp, Volkswagen and many more at the CHINESE TALENT DAYS, 3/4 May in Cologne – Register here, it is free!

图片附件: daimler (1).png (2017-4-8 13:18, 8.75 KB) / 下载次数 2040

作者: Campus_China    时间: 2017-4-8 13:29

ThyssenK (1).jpg
2017-4-8 13:28

JOBS at Thyssenkrupp

PS-DA-E/E Hardware Engineer


Entry Level Position:

* Responsible for ColPAS HW general technical topics

* Responsible for ColPAS fault part HW analysis for warranty and engineering samples

* Responsible for ColPAS E/E component localization

* Responsible for ColPAS E/E DV/PV test plan and test operation in Chinese external lab

* Responsible for ColPAS ECU supplier production issue technical support

* University degree or above with E/E Engineering

Please register to meet Thyssenkrupp and other Top Employers like BASF, Bosch, Continental, Daimler, HILTI, Volkswagen and many more at the CHINESE TALENT DAYS, 3/4 May in Cologne – Register here, it is free!

PS-DC-Development Engineer


Entry Level Position:

* Design of the products: Acquisition, Communication, calculation, CAD development, Documentation

* Creation of the technical documentation: 3D models under CAD rules, 2D drawings

* Technical Communication with Customer and Supplier and handling and release of TR's

* University degree or above with mechanical design in focus

* Good command in English or German

Please register to meet Thyssenkrupp and other Top Employers like BASF, Bosch, Continental, Daimler, HILTI, Volkswagen and many more at the CHINESE TALENT DAYS, 3/4 May in Cologne – Register here, it is free!

图片附件: ThyssenK (1).jpg (2017-4-8 13:28, 15.6 KB) / 下载次数 2107

作者: Campus_China    时间: 2017-4-8 13:35

2017-4-8 13:35

JOBS at Schaeffler

Trainee in Operation Area

(Taicang, Nanjing and Xiangtan)

Entry Level Position:

* Integrate into the company to deliver performance quickly

* Learn knowledge and skills for competency development to be young leaders

* Take challenging projects or tasks to demonstrate potential of further development

* High potential in Leadership direction, strong Learning Agility and Stress Management, fit for Schaeffler Culture Schaeffler 9 Competence

Please register to meet Schaeffler and other Top Employers like BASF, Bosch, Continental, Daimler, HILTI, Thyssenkrupp, Volkswagen and many more at the CHINESE TALENT DAYS, 3/4 May in Cologne – Register here, it is free!

图片附件: schaeffler.gif (2017-4-8 13:35, 17.69 KB) / 下载次数 2044

作者: Campus_China    时间: 2017-4-8 13:40

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2017-4-8 13:40

JOBS at Tenneco

Trainee Program - Technical Trainee


Entry Level Position:

* To accelerate the development of talents through a structured program combining entry level training, rotational assignments, interactive seminars and dedicated mentor

* 2017 graduates, bachelor degree or above and major in mechanical, mechatronics engineering , automotive engineering, thermal energy and power engineering, combustion engineering related major

* High mobility to be relocated

* Fluent English both on oral and written

Please register to meet Tenneco and other Top Employers like BASF, Bosch, Continental, Daimler, HILTI, Thyssenkrupp, Volkswagen and many more at the CHINESE TALENT DAYS, 3/4 May in Cologne – Register here, it is free!

图片附件: tenneco (1).jpg (2017-4-8 13:40, 11.25 KB) / 下载次数 2099

作者: Campus_China    时间: 2017-4-11 17:32

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2017-4-11 17:32

JOBS at Volkswagen Automatic Transmission

Production Engineer (VZO)


Experienced Position:

* Responsibility of the personal management and budget management of VZO team

* Responsibility for VZO team’s technical training

* Communicate with suppliers to solve problems (noise, geometric)

* Communicate with Kassel VZO team for any technical issues

* 5 years working experience in manufacturing enterprise related by machining process

* Good language skill, English or German

Please register to meet Volkswagen and other Top Employers like BASF, Bosch, Continental, Daimler, HILTI, Thyssenkrupp and many more at the CHINESE TALENT DAYS, 3/4 May in Cologne – Register here, it is free!

Planning Engineer


Entry Level Position:

* Development of assembly layout

* Supply planning for machines and facilities

* Planning of internal transport devices (washing- and transport baskets, transport carts)

* Support of the assembly team‘s preparation of production through on-time deliveries

* Bachelor degree or above in engineering or a related field

* 3+ years’ work experience

* Fluent in English or German, good Chinese language skills advantageous

Please register to meet Volkswagen and other Top Employers like BASF, Bosch, Continental, Daimler, HILTI, Thyssenkrupp and many more at the CHINESE TALENT DAYS, 3/4 May in Cologne – Register here, it is free!

图片附件: VWatj (1).jpg (2017-4-11 17:32, 11.71 KB) / 下载次数 2047

作者: Campus_China    时间: 2017-4-11 21:54

本帖最后由 Campus_China 于 2017-4-11 22:05 编辑

2017-4-11 21:54


International Key Account Sales Manager


Entry Level Position:

* Must be able to see the bigger business issues for the client and help the client manage their business

* Must understand that all progress is made through relationships and strong networks

* Coordinate multiple resources to the achievement of the decided upon outcome

* Studies or apprenticeship in business economics with additional technical background or technical studies with additional financial background

* Fluent in English language

Please register to meet WüRTH and other Top Employers like BASF, Bosch, Continental, Daimler, HILTI, Thyssenkrupp, Volkswagen and many more at the CHINESE TALENT DAYS, 3/4 May in Cologne – Register here, it is free!

Operation Manager / Sales Manager inside Sales


Entry Level Position:

* Leading the internal sales department, in total about 10 internal staffs

* To restructure, to enhance the quality, to speed – up the work flow, to reduce work – flow costs

* Improve the process flow between the departments Purchase, Internal Sales and Finance

* Target is to achieve the best service for the sales team and the market

* Master degree in Economics

* Excellent English and Chinese language skills

Please register to meet WüRTH and other Top Employers like BASF, Bosch, Continental, Daimler, HILTI, Thyssenkrupp, Volkswagen and many more at the CHINESE TALENT DAYS, 3/4 May in Cologne – Register here, it is free!

图片附件: wuerth.jpg (2017-4-11 21:54, 18.32 KB) / 下载次数 1998

作者: Campus_China    时间: 2017-4-11 22:16

2017-4-11 22:15

JOBS at Changchun Tower Golden Ring Automotive Products

Logistics Programming Engineer(物流规划工程师)

(Changchun City, Jilin Province, China)

Entry Level Position:


* 厂内物流流程梳理,物流流向规划;

* 物流日常管理审核(5S管理、目视板、可追溯性、先进先出、警戒线报警等现地管理);

* 工厂发运的时间窗口管理;

* 负责协调、处理现物流过程中出现的问题,保证信息流的畅通;

* 负责分析、研究现物流过程中的问题,并提出提高物流能力的合理化建议。

Please register to meet Tower Golden Ring Automotive and other Top Employers like BASF, Bosch, Continental, Daimler, HILTI, Thyssenkrupp, Volkswagen and many more at the CHINESE TALENT DAYS, 3/4 May in Cologne – Register here, it is free!

Sales Department Manager(销售部经理)

(Changchun City, Jilin Province, China)

Experienced Position:


* 配合公司的整体市场战略及利润策略,开发全球汽车零部件市场的潜在客户;

* 制定、执行并达成销售计划,提升市场占有率,确保实现全世界范围内所有产品的销售目标;

* 进行客户分析,建立客户关系,挖掘客户需求;

* 把握世界范围内的销售信息,为企业业务发展战略提供依据;

* 计划、指导及控制销售部门,保证团队的稳定和持续提升;

* 与其他部门之间的沟通、协调及配合。

Please register to meet Tower Golden Ring Automotive and other Top Employers like BASF, Bosch, Continental, Daimler, HILTI, Thyssenkrupp, Volkswagen and many more at the CHINESE TALENT DAYS, 3/4 May in Cologne – Register here, it is free!

图片附件: fawer.jpg (2017-4-11 22:15, 8.54 KB) / 下载次数 2213

作者: Campus_China    时间: 2017-4-14 13:54

本帖最后由 Campus_China 于 2017-4-14 14:14 编辑

2017-4-14 13:53

JOBS at ContemporaryAmperex Technology

IT Support Specialist


Experienced Position:

-Provides day-to-day helpdesk service and technical support to all employees in Berlin, Wolfsburg and Munich

-Performs basic installation,configuration, and maintenance tasks for servers

-Performs basic installation,configuration, and maintenance tasks for network related hardware and software

-Resolves support requests for workstations, servers, application software issues

-Minimum 3 years of relevant experience

-Bachelor’s degree in a computer related field or equivalent experience

Please register to meet CATL and other Top Employers like BASF, Bosch, Continental, Daimler,HILTI, Thyssenkrupp, Volkswagen and many more at the CHINESE TALENT DAYS, 3/4 May in Cologne – Register here, it is free:

Project Engineer

(Ningde, China)

Entry Level Position:

-Launch: Assist to Project Manager for the production launch of the product

-Track launch progresses to ensure that all tasks are performed

-Control the cost within budget and Ensure technical specifications for manufacturing equipment meet customer requirements

-Minimum Master Degree. Major in physics, Chemistry, Math, Electronics/electrical, computer, electrical,mechanical and Automation engineering specialty

-Good communication skills in English, both oral and written

Please register to meet CATL and other Top Employers like BASF, Bosch, Continental, Daimler,HILTI, Thyssenkrupp, Volkswagen and many more at the CHINESE TALENT DAYS, 3/4 May in Cologne – Register here, it is free:

图片附件: catl.png (2017-4-14 13:53, 7.47 KB) / 下载次数 2024

作者: Campus_China    时间: 2017-4-14 13:58

本帖最后由 Campus_China 于 2017-4-18 16:45 编辑

2017-4-14 13:57

JOBS at Staufen

Praktikant (m/w) Management und Business Process Excellence


-Begleitung von Lean- und Restrukturierungsprojektenbeim Kunden vor Ort

-Durchführung undVisualisierung von Analysen

-Mitwirkung bei der Erstellung vonEntscheidungsvorlagen

-Vorbereitung und Begleitungvon Workshops

-Mitwirkung bei der Ableitung von Handlungsfeldern sowiederen Umsetzungsbegleitung

-Student (m/w) der Wirtschaftswissenschaften oderWirtschaftsingeneurwesen

-Ausgeprägte Excel und Power Point Kenntnisse,versierte Deutsch- und gute Englischkenntnisse

Please register to meet Staufen and other Top Employers like BASF, Bosch, Continental, Daimler,HILTI, Thyssenkrupp, Volkswagen and many more at the CHINESE TALENT DAYS, 3/4 May in Cologne – Register here, it is free:

Masterand (m/w) im Bereich Lean Sales / Lean Service

Thesis(Bachelor, Master):

Die Themenstellung richtet sich nach den Interessendes Studierenden sowie den strategischen Entwicklungsfeldern der Staufen AG,wie zum Beispiel:

-Schlanke Prozesse im Ersatzteilmanagement

-Shopfloor Management als Führungsinstrument imglobalen Service

-Industrie 4.0 Anwendungen in Lean Service

-Erstellung Sales-Studie zur Vertriebsexcellence

Ihr Profil:

-Studierender (m/w) im Masterstudium(Wirtschaftswissen-schaften, Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen, oder vergleichbareFachrichtungen)

-Idealerweise haben Sie erste Beratungserfahrungen z.B.als Mitglied einer studentischen Unternehmensberatung

-Versierte Deutsch- sowie gute Englischkenntnissesetzen wir voraus

Please register to meet Staufen and other Top Employers like BASF, Bosch, Continental, Daimler,HILTI, Thyssenkrupp, Volkswagen and many more at the CHINESE TALENT DAYS, 3/4 May in Cologne – Register here, it is free:

图片附件: staufen.jpg (2017-4-14 13:57, 8.54 KB) / 下载次数 1996

作者: Campus_China    时间: 2017-4-14 14:01

本帖最后由 Campus_China 于 2017-4-14 14:03 编辑

2017-4-14 14:01


Mitarbeiter m/wVertrieb


EntryLevel Position:

Wir bieten:

-Umfassende Einarbeitung an unserem Hauptsitz in Hagen fürca. 1 Jahr

-Langfristige Perspektive in Taicang/ China mitattraktiven Möglichkeiten für Ihre Entwicklung

-Abwechslungsreiche Tätigkeitsfelder im BereichVertrieb

Siesollten mitbringen:

-Erfolgreich abgeschlossenes Studium im kaufmännischenund/oder technischen Bereich, mit Schwerpunkt Marketing und Vertrieb

-Praktische Erfahrungen in einem produzierendenUnternehmen durch mindestens 1 jährige Werksstudententätigkeit

-Gute Englisch- und idealerweise Deutschkenntnisse

Please register to meet Waelzholz and other Top Employers like BASF, Bosch, Continental, Daimler,HILTI, Thyssenkrupp, Volkswagen and many more at the CHINESE TALENT DAYS, 3/4 May in Cologne – Register here, it is free:

Mitarbeiter m/wProduktionsplanung


EntryLevel Position:

Wir bieten:

-Umfassende Einarbeitung an unserem Hauptsitz in Hagenfür ca. 1 Jahr

-Langfristige Perspektive in Taicang/ China mitattraktiven Möglichkeiten für Ihre Entwicklung

-Abwechslungsreiche Tätigkeitsfelder im BereichProduktionsplanung und- steuerung

Sie sollten mitbringen:

-Erfolgreich abgeschlossenes Studium im BereichWirtschaftsingenieurwesen oder Maschinenbau, idealerweise mit SchwerpunktProduktionsplanung oder Werkstofftechnik

-Praktische Erfahrungen in einem produzierendenUnternehmen durch mindestens 1jährige Werksstudententätigkeit

-Gute Englisch- und idealerweise Deutschkenntnisse

Please register to meet Waelzholz and other Top Employers like BASF, Bosch, Continental, Daimler,HILTI, Thyssenkrupp, Volkswagen and many more at the CHINESE TALENT DAYS, 3/4 May in Cologne – Register here, it is free:

图片附件: waelzholz.jpg (2017-4-14 14:01, 10.94 KB) / 下载次数 2008

作者: Campus_China    时间: 2017-4-18 16:42

2017-4-18 16:42

JOBS at TüV Rheinland

PV Power Plant Manager


Entry Level Position:

* On-site electrical and irradiance measurements

* Measurement equipment optimizing

* PV Power Plant design using simulation programs

* Electrical components comparison

* Installation supervising and monitoring

* Engineering Degree

* Fluent English (written and spoken)

Please register to meet TüV Rheinland and other Top Employers like BASF, Bosch, Continental, Daimler, HILTI, Thyssenkrupp, Volkswagen and many more at the CHINESE TALENT DAYS, 3/4 May in Cologne – Register here, it is free!

Photovoltaik Module-Project Engineer / 太阳能模块项目工程师

(Shanghai,Guangzhou or Shenzhen)

Entry Level Position:

* Handling PV* module projects

* Developing new test procedures for PV*lab

* Establishing lab capacities for new standards (solar thermal, inverters and other)

* Factory inspection for PV*modules

* Factory inspection for solar thermal collectors

* At least 2 years job experience in PV or other field including project management, testing, reporting, report reviewing

* Fluent in English (spoken and written)

Please register to meet TüV Rheinland and other Top Employers like BASF, Bosch, Continental, Daimler, HILTI, Thyssenkrupp, Volkswagen and many more at the CHINESE TALENT DAYS, 3/4 May in Cologne – Register here, it is free!

Project Manager of Vocational Education


Experienced Position:

* Fulfill stable growth target of German Dual System consulting services by cooperating with government, vocational schools and partners.

* Trainer of German Dual System and training methodology.

* Dual System consulting project planning, project management and deliverable controlling to meet project requirements.

* Bachelor degree or above, majoring in Vocational Education in Germany is preferred

* At least 8 years of working experience

Please register to meet TüV Rheinland and other Top Employers like BASF, Bosch, Continental, Daimler, HILTI, Thyssenkrupp, Volkswagen and many more at the CHINESE TALENT DAYS, 3/4 May in Cologne – Register here, it is free!

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作者: Campus_China    时间: 2017-4-18 16:52

2017-4-18 16:52

JOBS at Feintool

Projekt Manager


Experienced Position:

* Leitung und Betreuung von Projekten bis zu deren übergabe an die Produktion

* Projektcontrolling und Budgeteinhaltung

* Erstellen von Berichten über den aktuellen Projektstatus und Reporting

* 3-jährige fachspezifische Berufsausbildung und eine mindestens 2-jährige Fachausbildung (Dipl. Ing./Techniker/Meister) oder ein abgeschlossenes Hochschulstudium von Maschinebau, Werkstoffe, Bauingenieur, Umformtechnik

Please register to meet Feintool and other Top Employers like BASF, Bosch, Continental, Daimler, HILTI, Thyssenkrupp, Volkswagen and many more at the CHINESE TALENT DAYS, 3/4 May in Cologne – Register here, it is free!



Entry Level Position:

* Fachgerechte und terminliche Bereitstellung der Werkzeuge für die Produktion

* Sie erarbeiten nach vorgegebener Konzeptionen Werkzeuge und Vorrichtungen

* Durchführung von vorbeugenden Wartungen

* mindestens 3-jährige fachspezifische Berufsausbildung als Werkzeugmechaniker und eine mindestens 2-jährige Fachausbildung (Techniker) oder ein abgeschlossenes Hochschulstudium von Maschinebau, Werkstoffe, Bauingenieur, Umformtechnik wäre ein großes Vorteil

Please register to meet Feintool and other Top Employers like BASF, Bosch, Continental, Daimler, HILTI, Thyssenkrupp, Volkswagen and many more at the CHINESE TALENT DAYS, 3/4 May in Cologne – Register here, it is free!

图片附件: feintool.jpg (2017-4-18 16:52, 16.5 KB) / 下载次数 2048

作者: Campus_China    时间: 2017-4-18 17:02

2017-4-18 17:02


Process Consultant Technical Service in our Global Service Center


Experienced Position:

* Introduction and optimization of service processes in the technical service in our subsidiaries and representative offices worldwide

* Providing advice to service managers on process design, business model and organizational structure

* Redesign, realization and continuous development of our advisory service

* Technical or economic degree

* Fluent in English

Please register to meet TRUMPF and other Top Employers like BASF, Bosch, Continental, Daimler, HILTI, Thyssenkrupp, Volkswagen and many more at the CHINESE TALENT DAYS, 3/4 May in Cologne – Register here, it is free!

图片附件: trumpf.jpg (2017-4-18 17:02, 16.51 KB) / 下载次数 1956

作者: Campus_China    时间: 2017-4-22 18:12

daimler (1).png
2017-4-22 18:12

JOBS at Daimler

CAReer Trainee, IT Performance Coordinator

(Beijing, China)

Entry Level Position:

* Performance Management: Your task will be to continuously explore new methods to optimize IT operations

* Supplier Management: We have multiple vendors which help us to deliver our projects and operations. Your task will be to measure the performance of these suppliers.

* Release Management: You will gain an understanding that our applications are deeply integrated and each and every change has an impact to another.

* Financial Management: Your task is to understand and be able to provide transparency on the financial of IT operations including budget and spending forecast.

* A solid university degree (ideally a Master’s degree)

* First professional work experience (18 months are obligatory with a Bachelor’s degree)

Please register to meet Daimler and other Top Employers like BASF, Bosch, Continental, HILTI, Thyssenkrupp, Volkswagen and many more at the CHINESE TALENT DAYS, 3/4 May in Cologne – Register here, it is free!

图片附件: daimler (1).png (2017-4-22 18:12, 8.75 KB) / 下载次数 1904

作者: Campus_China    时间: 2017-4-22 18:23

2017-4-22 18:23

JOBS at Schaeffler

Trainee in Operation Area

(Taicang, Nanjing and Xiangtan)

Entry Level Position:

* Integrate into the company to deliver performance quickly

* Learn knowledge and skills for competency development to be young leaders

* Take challenging projects or tasks to demonstrate potential of further development

* High potential in Leadership direction, strong Learning Agility and Stress Management, fit for Schaeffler Culture Schaeffler 9 Competence

Please register to meet Schaeffler and other Top Employers like BASF, Bosch, Continental, Daimler, HILTI, Thyssenkrupp, Volkswagen and many more at the CHINESE TALENT DAYS, 3/4 May in Cologne – Register here, it is free!

图片附件: schaeffler.gif (2017-4-22 18:23, 17.69 KB) / 下载次数 1973

作者: Campus_China    时间: 2017-4-22 18:35

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2017-4-22 18:35

JOBS at Tenneco

Trainee Program - Technical Trainee


Entry Level Position:

* To accelerate the development of talents through a structured program combining entry level training, rotational assignments, interactive seminars and dedicated mentor

* 2017 graduates, bachelor degree or above and major in mechanical, mechatronics engineering , automotive engineering, thermal energy and power engineering, combustion engineering related major

* High mobility to be relocated

* Fluent English both on oral and written

Please register to meet Tenneco and other Top Employers like BASF, Bosch, Continental, Daimler, HILTI, Thyssenkrupp, Volkswagen and many more at the CHINESE TALENT DAYS, 3/4 May in Cologne – Register here, it is free!

图片附件: tenneco (1).jpg (2017-4-22 18:35, 11.25 KB) / 下载次数 1924

作者: Campus_China    时间: 2017-4-22 21:32

本帖最后由 Campus_China 于 2017-4-22 21:38 编辑

2017-4-22 21:32

JOBS at Hirschvogel

Production System Engineer Trainee

(Pinghu, Zhejiang)

Entry Level Position:

* Coordinate necessary lean tools to support team leaders for optimization

* Coordinate with HP central function to implement HP topics/projects

* Implement HP topics/projects from HP central function

* Analyze technical or systematic reason for diverse case

* Bachelor degree in industrial or mechanical engineering

* Fluent in spoken and written English

Please register to meet Hirschvogel and other Top Employers like BASF, Bosch, Continental, Daimler, HILTI, Thyssenkrupp, Volkswagen and many more at the CHINESE TALENT DAYS, 3/4 May in Cologne – Register here, it is free!

Logistic Trainee

(Pinghu, Zhejiang)

Entry Level Position:

* Handle customer order, and maintain into SAP system

* Calculated material requirement based on customer order with the assistance of SAP system, and submit steel order requirement

* Carry out data/paperwork handling inside SAP based on delivery plan

* University or college graduate

* Good English both in oral and written, additional German knowledge preferable

Please register to meet Hirschvogel and other Top Employers like BASF, Bosch, Continental, Daimler, HILTI, Thyssenkrupp, Volkswagen and many more at the CHINESE TALENT DAYS, 3/4 May in Cologne – Register here, it is free!

图片附件: hirschvogel.jpg (2017-4-22 21:32, 12.69 KB) / 下载次数 1981

作者: Campus_China    时间: 2017-4-25 10:28


Noch 8 Tage bis zu den CHINESE TALENT DAYS – Praktika, Trainee- und Einsteiger-Jobs für Chinesische Absolventen, jetzt kostenfrei anmelden unter
作者: Campus_China    时间: 2017-4-26 10:42

Noch 7 Tage bis zur Jobmesse CHINESE TALENT DAYS – limitierte Plätze, jetzt schnell kostenfrei anmelden:
作者: Campus_China    时间: 2017-4-27 11:44

Noch 6 Tage bis zu den CHINESE TALENT DAYS – 40 Top-Arbeitgeber in Köln – nur für Chinesische Bewerber. Jetzt kostenfrei anmelden unter   
作者: Campus_China    时间: 2017-4-27 17:56

VWatj (1).jpg
2017-4-27 17:55

JOBS at Volkswagen



* VWATJ bietet talentierten und motivierten Studenten zum einen die Möglichkeit, praktische Erfahrungen in einem hoch modernen Unternehmen zu sammeln und einen wesentlichen Beitrag zur Unternehmensentwicklung zu leisten

* Zum anderen wird Praktikanten mit einer besonders hohen Leistungsbereitschaft die Chance geboten, anschließend in eine Festeinstellung überzugehen

Ihre Chancen:

* Einen umfassenden Einblick ins Unternehmen und dessen Prozesse zu erhalten

* Erfahrungen in einem internationalen Arbeitsumfeld an konkreten Projekten

* Verantwortungsvolle und herausfordernde Aufgaben zu übernehmen


* Eingeschriebener Bachelor- oder Masterstudent der Betriebswirtschaftslehre, Maschinenbau, Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen oder vergleichbarer Studiengänge

* Muttersprache Chinesisch sowie gute Englisch- und/oder Deutschkenntnisse

Please register to meet Volkswagen and other Top Employers like BASF, Bosch, Continental, Daimler, HILTI, Thyssenkrupp and many more at the CHINESE TALENT DAYS, 3/4 May in Cologne – Register here, it is free!

图片附件: VWatj (1).jpg (2017-4-27 17:55, 11.71 KB) / 下载次数 1984

作者: Campus_China    时间: 2017-4-27 18:29

2017-4-27 18:29

JOBS at United Automotive Electronic Systems

Internship (including graduation thesis)


Research Topic:


Requirements Management with DOORS system: Target deployment of customer specification to components of eAxle

2.实现基准测试程序的(eAchse的传机构/变速箱)专门软件的竞争方案的校验(KISSsoft, MASTA)

Implementation of benchmark (transmission mechanism for eAchse)

3.为eAchse (KISSsoft, MASTA) 设计新的传动方案

deisgn of new transmission method for eachse special sw (KISSsoft, MASTA)


Investigation of the use of mechanical structure optiming tool for components of e-machine


Generate overview list of used components


sort and categorize parts, e.g. resolver, screws, NTC, connector. Coolant inlet,


sort and categorize parts, e.g. lamination cross section. Lamination stack, to cover the full design kit


Design of warehouse and storage systems; Operator for sensor test bench, including development test bench and life cycle test bench

Please register to meet Bosch and other Top Employers like BASF, Continental, Daimler, HILTI, Thyssenkrupp, Volkswagen and many more at the CHINESE TALENT DAYS, 3/4 May in Cologne – Register here, it is free!

Internship (including graduation thesis)

Research topic:

1.支持 EM LE 轮轴和车辆方面的声学测量

Support on acoustic measurement on axle and vehicle

2.支持 EM LE 方面的声学仿真,比如工具维护保养

Support on acoustic simulation such as tool maintenance


Data Mining

4.DCDC 优化:课题和学生商讨确定

Optimized DCDC: Topic will be determined with students


Behavior of alternative Gate driver circuits

6.PxN ALM 过程转变)

PxN Process goes ALM


Analysis PAV for Field Returns

Please register to meet Bosch and other Top Employers like BASF, Continental, Daimler, HILTI, Thyssenkrupp, Volkswagen and many more at the CHINESE TALENT DAYS, 3/4 May in Cologne – Register here, it is free!

Internship (including graduation thesis)


Research topic:


Process development with Design of Experiment method for Winding technology with forming, joining technology e.g. laser welding, pressing, testing technology e.g. NVH testing.

Please register to meet Bosch and other Top Employers like BASF, Continental, Daimler, HILTI, Thyssenkrupp, Volkswagen and many more at the CHINESE TALENT DAYS, 3/4 May in Cologne – Register here, it is free!

图片附件: bosch_UAES.jpg (2017-4-27 18:29, 11.02 KB) / 下载次数 1898

作者: Campus_China    时间: 2017-4-27 18:34

2017-4-27 18:33

JOBS at Hirschvogel

Working Student / Intern (f/m): Market Research in China


* Analysis of the Chinese automotive market for potentials for Hirschvogel

* Research, structure and evaluation of relevant information

* Development of possible strategies

* Presentation of results


* University or college student (f/m) with major in science / engineering

* Self-dependence and analytical thinking

* Fluent Chinese and German language skills

Please register to meet Hirschvogel and other Top Employers like BASF, Bosch, Continental, Daimler, HILTI, Thyssenkrupp, Volkswagen and many more at the CHINESE TALENT DAYS, 3/4 May in Cologne – Register here, it is free!

图片附件: hirschvogel.jpg (2017-4-27 18:33, 12.69 KB) / 下载次数 1933

作者: Campus_China    时间: 2017-4-28 07:28

距离中国人才日工作展会还有最后5天,BASF, Bosch, Daimler, VW等众多顶尖企业参展。现在就在官方网站免费注册报名!报名地址:
Noch 5 Tage bis zur Jobmesse CHINESE TALENT DAYS – BASF, Bosch, Daimler, VW und viele weitere Top-Arbeitgeber. Jetzt kostenfrei anmelden unter
作者: Campus_China    时间: 2017-4-29 14:35

本帖最后由 Campus_China 于 2017-4-29 14:39 编辑

2017-4-29 14:35

JOBS at Volkswagen

Information Technology Engineer


Entry Level Position:

* Administrate, maintain, monitor and manage local hosted core applications

* Reporting & Review of application related topics and basic application trouble shooting Monitor the correct operation of all local VWATJ run applications

* Monitor and manage all local run Database Servers in cooperation with the VWATJ server specialist

* Design, plan, and organize end-user training for local hosted applications

* Take over application systems from IT Project management in the Go-Live / Post Go-Live phase of a project

* Bachelor of computer science/ Bachelor of information systems / Bachelor of Software development

Please register to meet Volkswagen and other Top Employers like BASF, Bosch, Continental, Daimler, HILTI, Thyssenkrupp and many more at the CHINESE TALENT DAYS, 3/4 May in Cologne – Register here, it is free!

Purchasing Specialist


Entry Level Position:

* Price negotiations with national and international suppliers

* Advisory function on procurement decisions as well as support of the implementation of negotiation results

* Support control and coordination of supplier relationship in terms of date-, cost- and demand situation

* Identification of new or alternative sources of supply as well as continuous improvement of the procurement situation

* University degree in economics, industrial engineering or in a similar study path

* Fluent in spoken and written English, Chinese skills are a plus

Please register to meet Volkswagen and other Top Employers like BASF, Bosch, Continental, Daimler, HILTI, Thyssenkrupp and many more at the CHINESE TALENT DAYS, 3/4 May in Cologne – Register here, it is free!

图片附件: VWatj.jpg (2017-4-29 14:35, 11.71 KB) / 下载次数 1908

作者: Campus_China    时间: 2017-4-29 15:35

2017-4-29 15:35




Entry Level Position:

* Sie bringen Ihr Wissen und Können ein in den Bereichen Automatisierungstechnik (PLC, Robotik), Mensch-Maschine-Schnittstelle (HMI)

* Sie gestalten und entwickeln in unseren Entwicklungsteams innovative Produkte und Lösungen für die vernetzte Zukunft im weltweiten Pharmabereich

* Sie begleiten den kompletten Produktlebenszyklus unserer Maschinen von der Konzeption bis zur Inbetriebnahme beim Kunden

* erste einschlägige Berufserfahrung in einem Industrieunternehmen im Bereich Prozess- oder Automatisierungstechnik

* abgeschlossenes Studium im Bereich Software,Elektrotechnik, Kybernetik oder vergleichbare Fachrichtungen

Please register to meet Bosch and other Top Employers like BASF, Continental, Daimler, HILTI, Thyssenkrupp, Volkswagen and many more at the CHINESE TALENT DAYS, 3/4 May in Cologne – Register here, it is free!

Manufacturing Engineer


Entry Level Position:

* Assembling, installation, setting, turning on packaging machines and parallel robots with communication cables, wiring setup, and troubleshooting, working based at Mus plant or client sites

* Fitter from PA (Germany) support and validation work assistant

* Technical training at PA (Germany)

* Electrical Engineering experience

* Fluent in Japanese and basic English skills preferred

Please register to meet Bosch and other Top Employers like BASF, Continental, Daimler, HILTI, Thyssenkrupp, Volkswagen and many more at the CHINESE TALENT DAYS, 3/4 May in Cologne – Register here, it is free!

Software-Entwickler (in für den Bereich HMI)

(Crailsheim, Germany)

Entry Level Position:

* Applikationsentwicklung von Software mit Schwerpunkt HMI/SCADA

* Entwicklung von Softwaremodulen und Maschinenfunktionen

* Erstellung von entwicklungsbegleitenden Dokumentationen

* Inbetriebnahme der Applikationen

* Erfolgreich abgeschlossenes Studium der Fachrichtungen Elektrotechnik, Mechatronik oder ein vergleichbares Studium

* Sehr gute deutsche und englische Sprachkenntnisse

Please register to meet Bosch and other Top Employers like BASF, Continental, Daimler, HILTI, Thyssenkrupp, Volkswagen and many more at the CHINESE TALENT DAYS, 3/4 May in Cologne – Register here, it is free!

System Engineer (Video Specialist)/系统工程师(视频技术)_CM


Entry Level Position:

* Development and maintenance of functions and algorithms for the topic of “Video Application in Automotive Domain”

* Key application areas covers the following categories of: 1. Warps, Overlays, Camera flights; 2. 3D surround view; 3. Panoramic view; 4. Intelligent camera; 5. Dynamic stitching, Image harmonization, Textured street; 6. Seamless integration in HMI/Navigation

* Augmented reality extension based on Navigation POI’s

* MS/PHD Degree, Computer Vision or Image Processing or related field (e.g. computer science specializing in graphic/image processing)

* Minimum 3 years working in related field (especially in computer vision technology)

Please register to meet Bosch and other Top Employers like BASF, Continental, Daimler, HILTI, Thyssenkrupp, Volkswagen and many more at the CHINESE TALENT DAYS, 3/4 May in Cologne – Register here, it is free!

Research scientist system architect – Internet of Things


Entry Level Position:

* Develop innovative product concepts based on Internet of Things (IoT) technology for the Chinese market

* Cooperate with Bosch business units worldwide for technology transfer and to evaluate market attractiveness of new concepts

* Design system architectures based on customer requirements for various research projects

* Develop and build up proof-of-concept prototypes and demonstrators (hardware & software)

* Collaborate with local research communities and participate in / lead joint projects

Please register to meet Bosch and other Top Employers like BASF, Continental, Daimler, HILTI, Thyssenkrupp, Volkswagen and many more at the CHINESE TALENT DAYS, 3/4 May in Cologne – Register here, it is free!

图片附件: bosch_JMP.jpg (2017-4-29 15:35, 19.94 KB) / 下载次数 1924

作者: Campus_China    时间: 2017-4-29 15:43

daimler (1).png
2017-4-29 15:43

JOBS at Daimler

CAReer Trainee, IT Performance Coordinator


Entry Level Position:

* Your task will be to continuously explore new methods to optimize IT operations

* We have multiple vendors which help us to deliver our projects and operations. Your task will be to measure the performance of these suppliers

* Understand and be able to provide transparency on the financial of IT operations including budget and spending forecast

* A solid university degree (ideally a Master’s degree)

* First professional work experience

* Excellent English language skills

Please register to meet Daimler and other Top Employers like BASF, Bosch, Continental, HILTI, Thyssenkrupp, Volkswagen and many more at the CHINESE TALENT DAYS, 3/4 May in Cologne – Register here, it is free!

CAReer Trainee, IT&Digital Buyer


Entry Level Position:

* Communicate with business partners, provide suggestions, agree on supplier list, timeline and technical evaluation criteria, develop sourcing recommendations

* Ensure the implementation of procurement policies and processes

* Collaborate with global commodity manager and ensure the implementation of commodity strategies, annual purchase planning, strategic supplier set, conduct price plausibility check, develop an international network, enable synergies

* A solid university degree (ideally a Master’s degree)

* First professional work experience

* Excellent English language skills

Please register to meet Daimler and other Top Employers like BASF, Bosch, Continental, HILTI, Thyssenkrupp, Volkswagen and many more at the CHINESE TALENT DAYS, 3/4 May in Cologne – Register here, it is free!

图片附件: daimler (1).png (2017-4-29 15:43, 8.75 KB) / 下载次数 2107

作者: Campus_China    时间: 2017-4-29 15:49

距离中国人才日工作展会还有最后4天,Bosch, Continental, Daimler, thyssenkrupp, VW等40家顶尖企业尽在科隆。现在就在官方网站免费注册报名!报名地址:
作者: Campus_China    时间: 2017-4-29 17:05

faurecia (1).jpg
2017-4-29 17:05

JOBS at Faurecia

Electrical/Electronic Design Engineer


Entry Level Position:

* Design and develop new mechatronic products for automotive such as Audio and HVAC panels and complex switches system

* Design products using CAD/CAE tools and to perform design analysis and evaluation

* Develop product according to reusability (building blocks), design to cost and design to manufacturing strategies

* Follow engineering design process and product release procedures

* Participate to international product development teams (France, Germany, USA)

* Bachelor or above degree in Electrical or electronic Engineering

* Comprehensive technical English reading/writing and verbal communication skills are required

Please register to meet faurecia and other Top Employers like BASF, Bosch, Continental, Daimler, HILTI, Thyssenkrupp, Volkswagen and many more at the CHINESE TALENT DAYS, 3/4 May in Cologne – Register here, it is free!

图片附件: faurecia (1).jpg (2017-4-29 17:05, 14.78 KB) / 下载次数 2071

作者: Campus_China    时间: 2017-4-29 17:08

2017-4-29 17:07


Analytical Engineer, PU Physical Lab


Entry Level Position:

* Lead the execution of testing tasks, and make the routine maintenance plan of equipment in PU Physical lab

* Devise tests, procedures and apparatus required to achieve experimental results, help to develop new testing methods to meet requirements, lead the training for new employees

* Co-operate with development/technical service/manufacturing/marketing in furnishing technical assistance to demonstrate the usefulness of company products

* Master with more than 2 years’ experience or bachelor with more than 5 years’ experience

Please register to meet BASF and other Top Employers like Bosch, Continental, Daimler, HILTI, Thyssenkrupp, Volkswagen and many more at the CHINESE TALENT DAYS, 3/4 May in Cologne – Register here, it is free!

图片附件: 78499fffb34630e7f1a953f1ccc31533.jpg (2017-4-29 17:07, 9.2 KB) / 下载次数 2137

作者: Campus_China    时间: 2017-4-29 17:17

2017-4-29 17:17

JOBS at Continental

Product Development Engineer- Tire SH

(Shanghai Yangpu)

Entry Level Position:

* Work-packages in running development projects incl. ensuring the defined targets

* Further development of existing product lines on demand of internal / external customers

* Introduction of new products into production, in close cooperation with other departments

* Set up and evaluation of necessary tire tests

* Taking over the project leadership for the development of new products

* Mechanical Engineer or comparable scientific education

Please register to meet Continental and other Top Employers like BASF, Bosch, Daimler, HILTI, Thyssenkrupp, Volkswagen and many more at the CHINESE TALENT DAYS, 3/4 May in Cologne – Register here, it is free!

图片附件: Continental.jpg (2017-4-29 17:17, 61.19 KB) / 下载次数 2076

作者: Campus_China    时间: 2017-4-29 17:27

ThyssenK (1).jpg
2017-4-29 17:26

JOBS at Thyssenkrupp

PS-DC-Development Engineer


Entry Level Position:

* Design of the products: Acquisition, Communication, calculation, CAD development, Documentation

* Creation of the technical documentation: 3D models under CAD rules, 2D drawings

* Technical Communication with Customer and Supplier and handling and release of TR's

* University degree or above with mechanical design in focus

* Good command in English or German

Please register to meet Thyssenkrupp and other Top Employers like BASF, Bosch, Continental, Daimler, HILTI, Volkswagen and many more at the CHINESE TALENT DAYS, 3/4 May in Cologne – Register here, it is free!

图片附件: ThyssenK (1).jpg (2017-4-29 17:26, 15.6 KB) / 下载次数 2017

作者: Campus_China    时间: 2017-4-30 07:53

距离中国人才日工作展会还有最后3天,中国求职者和Bosch, Benteler, Daimler等40家顶尖企业面对面的专属机会。现在就在官方网站免费注册报名!报名地址:
Nur noch 3 Tage bis zur Jobmesse CHINESE TALENT DAYS – chinesische Bewerber treffen Bosch, Benteler, Daimler und viele weitere Top-Arbeitgeber. Jetzt noch kostenlos registrieren:
作者: Campus_China    时间: 2017-5-1 08:47


Nur noch 2 Tage bis zu den CHINESE TALENT DAYS 3.5. und 4.5. in Köln – nur noch wenige Plätze. Jetzt kostenfrei registrieren:
作者: Campus_China    时间: 2017-5-2 10:07

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Registrierung nur noch HEUTE: Jobmesse CHINESE TALENT DAYS – 40 Top-Arbeitgeber wie BASF, Bosch, Daimler, Heraeus, Volkswagen in Köln treffen:

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作者: Agostok    时间: 2020-1-12 11:11     标题: Buy fake Brazilian

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