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标题: uni-dsl安装过程求救 [打印本页]

作者: likor_bier    时间: 2004-11-23 09:24     标题: uni-dsl安装过程求救

从uni-dsl那儿拿了3盒东西回来,Splitter, Modem 和 linker.
理论上我不要无线网络的话就只要splitter + modem。

安装说明接线完毕,然后安装Thomason Modem的驱动程序。
总是出错,说TCP/IP没有正确,blabla... 这个我估计是问题




求救其中的关键! 谢谢!
作者: likor_bier    时间: 2004-11-23 10:57

thanks very much!
作者: likor_bier    时间: 2004-11-23 12:55

sorry to ask you again.

>You are NOT supposed to install driver for an extern modem.

u mean, just to connect all of the hardware

and install the vpn which is downloaded for RZ.
Configure the VPN like in the introduction in the
RZ website.

do I need to set up a new internet link?

If you don't use the router, you have to configure PPPOE in your computer.

> 求救其中的关键!
PPPOE is the key.
作者: likor_bier    时间: 2004-11-24 14:55

from Uni-DSL we can get a CD for Thomason Modem. According to your suggestion, we do not need to install something from CD? I have tried to install the driver from the CD (or downloaded from Uni-DSL website), but I can not continue, because there is always error message "1. modem not configured or 2. TCP/IP is not installed".

After setting up a dial-up for the link, I get always the information that "it can not find /connect to server". Do you think, it is because of setting TCP/IP DHCP?

thanks a lot.

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