香港科技大学自1991年创建以来,迅速成为国际知名学府,其发展被认为是一个奇迹。在讨论香港科技大学新任校长遴选名单上,曾罗列了600多位世界知名院校的知名学者。香港科大校董会主席张建东表示,陈教授是位优秀的学者和科学家,又是一位世界级行政人员,这些特质在学者中是罕见的。香港科技大学校董会2009年3月30日决定聘任Tony F. Chan教授自2009年9月1日起接替朱经武教授为该校下任校长。
Hong Kong Beckons
Prospects of Hong Kong Higher Education and
Academic Career Opportunities
at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
in Science, Engineering, Business & Management, Humanities & Social Science
Universities in Hong Kong have transitioned from their current three-year undergraduate program to a four-year program as of September 2012. This has been resulted in a dramatic increase in the number of students and a corresponding increase in faculty strength. At the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, we are offering an array of faculty positions in one of the world’s most alluring cities.
An Information Session with:
Prof Tony F Chan
President of the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology