0 X. k' B( ^ A& J有分析家说,面临明年总统大选压力的沙克吉希望藉由强硬的军事行动,激起爱国主义,但也有人看法不同,认为沙克吉不是单纯的好战,他若对科特迪瓦和利比亚袖手旁观,将付出极大的政治代价。 F: O q4 ` U# \; s& P _
8 H- | T/ y9 _. H' q
France’s Role in Three Conflicts Displays a More Muscular Policy 7 j) Q: q7 L- @: i/ N3 \* _7 H9 r# E' z4 e/ D' ]0 Q+ T
PARIS — France on Tuesday found itself engaged in three shooting wars at once for the first time in memory, indicating a new muscularity in using power by the politically embattled French president, Nicolas Sarkozy. 8 }& u* _, s! X7 j; E : a! r) M" P; v3 a. VFrench peacekeeping troops attacked the presidential palace in Ivory Coast in support of the United Nations overnight, while French planes were attacking the troops of the Libyan leader, Col. Muammar el-Qaddafi. French forces are also fighting alongside the United States in the war against the Taliban in Afghanistan. 4 Q- ]6 T: E8 @4 ^' l! X- ~# v) C2 b. A3 W! x/ D1 P3 h
“This is entirely new,” said François Heisbourg, a defense expert at the Foundation for Strategic Research here. “The reasons are different, but we are in three shooting wars simultaneously, and that in my memory has never happened before.”% M# o3 Z6 P0 o. r6 v
1 `: k3 e8 Z3 F8 A6 f8 A2 B
With the loser of the Ivory Coast election, Laurent Gbagbo, negotiating surrender in Abidjan, France’s intervention in its former colony may prove to be of short duration. France hopes to be as lucky in the war against Colonel Qaddafi, who seems to be in the initial stages of trying to negotiate an exit. * ?0 @7 G6 Y# ^% h
! s0 T2 U& k; ^
5 _- p3 f6 Z% ]5 R$ L/ p5 |$ _
Residents passed a burned car in Abidjan, the main city of Ivory Coast, on Tuesday. Most people did not leave their homes. 3 O; @/ E# n8 [0 X8 E
- V/ P" l( B$ A7 J, V
8 k7 z7 x9 \" X3 F( X0 Z, s; E6 h9 }Shops reopened Tuesday in a section of Kandahar, Afghanistan, after protests over a Koran burning in Florida turned into riots over the weekend./ l" A! h4 f- y$ H
" x. x) M- s6 L* y 3 D& y0 L1 x; \' f m, [Last week, a French flag was displayed on top of a destroyed tank in Ajdabiya, Libya, that had belonged to forces loyal to Col. Muammar el-Qaddafi.作者: Ampelmann 时间: 2011-4-7 19:49
非洲民主诉求的春天 2011年 4月 07日 法国国际广播电台8 K* h: W# {# x& y, l7 o, Z: ~
* c; Z' e. j- q以科特迪瓦总统选举持续引发的政治危机为标志,非洲大陆不少国家都陷入动荡的局面。非洲的不安不仅有政治选举引发,更有民众反对政府长期独裁,争取民主自由的反抗示威所推动。在目前北非利比亚,摩洛哥,阿尔及利亚,也门等国的茉莉花革命浪潮影响下,非洲其他国家是否也有可能发生茉莉花革命,正在越来越多引起关注。无论如何,由不少国家都发生民众起来示威争取民主与自由的事件,非洲之春的说法已经跃上台面。 - Z" G% I, R: }- i4 L# ^/ Q* u+ J, N; c% t) h# H8 m! ]6 e
* P. d, l1 g9 I- O" J0 X现在全世界有别于聚焦利比亚危机和日本核污染问题的另一个关注点正在定格在哥特迪瓦。科特迪瓦从去年11月28日举行总统第二轮投票以来,就持续陷入政治危机。该国总统选举充满暴力,投票被指控贿赂与舞弊。卸任总统加博竞选连任,与前总理瓦塔拉竞争。虽然投票结果被联合国以及欧美和非洲在内的国际社会公认为加博失利,应由瓦塔拉当选,但是加博拒绝放权,以至于使科特迪瓦四个多月以来处于两个总统,两个政府的政治危机状态。最近一次的联合国安理会就科特迪瓦的问题的决议案第1975号决议案要求加博放弃总统职位,并对加博以及加博的追随者提出制裁。决议案呼吁各方停火。 # d: D. j; P' c8 ?1 t; q: T/ f P1 z 0 b( ]$ R( [. ~1 B7 U( O6 T 3 | R1 B( ]5 X6 R; [ 8 a" v' t+ c9 M4 e% E0 s- b科特迪瓦支持瓦塔拉的力量,被评价为反对派力量。反对派在大选之后持续的示威,不仅抗议加博政权的舞弊与暴利恐吓,而且也争取选举的透明与权利。这样的示威反抗发展到今天的最后决战。从首都阿比让的总统府到西部城市迪埃奎,激战都到了最为紧张也是最后的时刻,因为几乎该国全体军队力量,警宪力量都已经抛弃加博而支持瓦塔拉。瓦塔拉在持续数月的示威抗争之后决定武装进攻,被认为是非洲抗争的一种模式。虽然事关国家权利之争,却含有民众反对加博政府腐败独裁,保护投票果实的意义。虽然加博也是经民选上台,可是对他的各种指控从来没有断绝,加博已经被大部分选民抛弃。瓦塔拉曾经希望避免争取当选权利的路上铺满鲜血与尸体而拒绝内战。哥特迪瓦局势就要发生巨变,这个维护民主权利和选举透明结果的抗争,将在非洲大陆产生深远的影响。9 U' A$ S- s7 ], J8 v2 s
5 w8 n6 u+ N3 J
# R9 v3 T) ^7 X$ ?; ?3 A5 x; \
科特迪瓦前总统洛朗·巴博的支持者2011年4月6日在巴黎示威抗议9 b4 |; q2 z4 f1 m' F0 a7 O
Pro-Gbagbo demonstrators protest in front of the National Assembly in Paris April 6, 2011. Negotiations led by the United Nations and France aimed at securing the departure of Ivory Coast's Laurent Gbagbo have failed, French Foreign Minister Alain Juppe said on Wednesday. The placard reads "Sarkozy, assassin".