The paintings of the powerful in their human misery, the sculpting of the oppressed in their human dignity, the bridges between the beauty of our environment and the inner hells of our psyche--as in Van Gogh's landscapes --are all media to go beyond the inescapable labors of life, to find the expression of joy, of pain, of feeling, that reunites us, and makes this planet liveable after all.’ Art has always been a builder of bridges between the diverse, contradictory expressions of human experience.
梵高的静物描绘极有感染力,那些原本无比安静的物体在他的笔下仿佛被再次赋予了生命。比较出名的有椅子,向日葵等。这次展览是ACG和荷兰阿姆斯特丹梵高博物馆合办的,最为人所知的几幅画,如《星夜》《向日葵》等均没有展出,因为最有名的几幅都是被收藏在一些世界顶级博物馆里。比如《星夜》目前是收藏在纽约大都会博物馆内。不过仅是这次展出的部分,足以让人大饱眼福。这次主题为Vicent Van Gogh, an artist and his letter. 作为英国近些年来最大型的一次梵高画作展,这次展出了他早期一直到他生命最后时段画的大部分主要作品,以及他和弟弟十余年的亲笔信笺。很让人诧异的是,这个看似画着犹如抽象风格画作的画家,其实每一幅画都做了详尽的前期准备。在他给弟弟写的信中,有不少附有后来成型画作的手稿,每一幅惊人的画作,都有一个小小的迷你信纸版本,一一可见他的前期构图。