No matter you are younger or older, no matter woman or man, you have to improve yourself from different aspects. Outlooking is not only physical, but also mental. And don't pretend to be cool! You should have your own way to express your idea to the beauty.作者: 带眼镜的蜗牛 时间: 2004-8-28 13:19 标题: 有些意思,这样的调侃!
Originally posted by $厌世儿$ at 2004-8-28 12:42:
男人没文化是草包,女人没文化是花瓶;男人没文化是土得掉渣,女人没文化就是缺乏气质。所以,有人说倪萍没文化,她很生气,一气之下,写了《日子》那本书。漂亮的女人,容易让人嫉妒,那么攻击她的最好武器,就是 ...