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标题: 世闻:金融风暴里保持心平气和14条 [打印本页]

作者: qquchn    时间: 2008-11-23 09:05     标题: 世闻:金融风暴里保持心平气和14条


“微笑,呼吸,慢走” 一行禅师说。


















作者: qquchn    时间: 2008-11-23 09:06     标题: 英文原版

14 Funky Ways To Calm Your Nerves Consistently:

“ Smile, breathe and go slowly” by Thich Nhat Hanh ZenBuddhist

Do yourself a favor and add more deliberatemomentsof relaxation and deep rest into your day. This article is areminder of the many ways you can put yourself first more often andsoothe your nerves consistently. You can also tell where my focusis at the moment ……. nourishing my nervous system.

Calming your nerves means reducing your mental and physicalactivity. Withdrawing regularly from excess stimulation such asmedia, phones, driving, toxic city noise and busy places andallowing yourself a moment in time to dissolve yourfatigue and stress.

14Ideas For Calming Your Nerves Consistently:

1: Melt the frown. Smile. Release any worry, stress and tension byrelaxing your facial muscles. Picture softening your forehead,cheeks, eyes, tongue, ears and scalp. Keep your mouth slightly openwhich unlocks the tension in your jaw and neck. Let your tonguefloat in your mouth. Use a mirror to check in with your facemuscles or better still do what I do. Have a few figurines nearyour work desk such as Mr Happy and Little Miss Sunshine to remindyou to smile more often andlose that frown.

2: Take a chill pill. Close your eyes, cup the palms of your handsover your ears, now listen to the sounds of the ocean playinginside your head. Continue until you feel your nerves a little lessfrazzled, your thoughts a little calmer and your breathing morerelaxed.

3: Turn off the noise: Silence nourishes your body, mind and soul.Silence is very restorative. Toxic urban noise is never ending andcan be a constant background stress that you may not be aware of.Tune into your hearing and notice which sounds irritate you. Take afive minute “no noise” break. Alternately turn down or turn off anyunnecessary stressful noise.
4: Repeat a calming mantra: Use your thoughts to fuel your bodywith a constant stream of calming and relaxing thoughts. Mantraswork because they take your focus away from the stress and drama(just for a moment) and invite more peace into your life. Here’s afew of my favorites that you might like use. “I will remember tobreathe and relax moment by moment” One of my personal favorites is“Every cell in my body is loved and healthy”. Breath in “I am calm”breathe out “I smile”

5: Take a mental health break: A less crowded mind means yournervous system is calmer. Take regular breaks from too muchthinking and bring your awareness back into your body. Do your bestto have an enjoyable morning and afternoon tea away from your deskin a pleasant environment. Listen to the requests of your body,drink when thirsty, stretch and move when you need to and neverskip a meal. An added bonus; A quiet mind has direct access towisdom and insight.

6: Adjust your breathing: Find some calm: Make your “out” breathtwice as long as your “in” breath. This will immediately calm youdown. Your breathing directly reflects your stress levels. If youbreathing is fast, tight and shallow then I encourage to read myarticle: 15 clever things to know about your breathing

7: Calm your nerves by turning your back to the world: This is inmy top 3 all time favorite relaxation postures in the world. Itssuch a simple way to calm an overcrowded mind, call back yourscattered energies back, calm your breathing and relax. Click herefor full details. I promise you’ll love it.

8: Hug well and hug often: Give a hug or receive a hug, either wayhug well and hug often. Heh, even give yourself a hug. Hugging andcuddling is therapeutic, healing and calming. According to VirginiaSatir a family therapist; we need 4 hugs a day for survival, 8 hugsa day for maintenance and 12 hugs a day for growth. Whats yourdaily hug quota?

9: Rest your eyes: When you relax your eyes you are inviting yourmind and body to follow. Do yourself a favor and grab yourself ayoga eye pillow and enjoy 5 minutes of relaxation. You may evenwant to make your own find out more here about the benefits of yogaeye pillows:

10: Self massage nourishes your nervous system: I love my earlymorning “warm” oil massage. Touch is healing and extremelynourishing to your body. Self massage releases happy feelings intoyour body, improves circulation and supports the removal of toxinsfrom your body. There are simply loads of benefits.
Whilst “self massage” might seem like hard work at first, I canguarantee you’ll soon notice a difference. I recently wrote anarticle on self massage which you are very welcome to readhere:

11: Cancel, clear, delete your energy drains: Notice what zaps yourprecious energy and reduce your exposure to gossip, shoppingcenters, busy places, certain friends or family members. Betterstill cancel, clear and delete their existence in your life.

12: Give yourself a chocolate facial: Warning! This is veryaddicted. Licking is definitely allowed as long as no one islooking.

13: Hum your worries away: Time to Hum. Place your hand on top ofyour head,smile, now starthumming. Feel the healing vibration of the hum reach the top ofyour head. Your clever hum will brush away the cob webs, sootheyour mind, relax your face muscles and nourish your nervoussystem.

If humming doesn’t do it for you then unleash your inner pop starand have some fun. Buy the newly released Mamma Mia! DVDcialEdition) it includes all the words to all the songs so now there isno excuse for releasing all that stress with a good verse ofdancing queen, money, money, money or take a chance on me. You knowyou want to.

14: Sip a calming potion: If all else fails then do what I do; grabfor my bottle of passion flower. I know for a fact that themedicinal herb of passion flower calms my energies in an instant.It great for insomnia and nervousness and has a sedative effect onyour nervous system. Around one teaspoon sends a warm calmingfeeling throughout my body.

Thanks so much for reading my article, Carole.You are welcome tocome back and visit my blog the Rejuvenation Lounge anytime or grabdaily rejuvenation tips from me over at twitter.
作者: qquchn    时间: 2008-11-23 09:14

所罗门说过:“智慧护庇人, 好像银钱护庇人一樣; 唯独智慧能保全智慧人的生命。 這就是知识的益处。”——传道书7:12。

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