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标题: 天天考查圣经 1025 [打印本页]

作者: qquchn    时间: 2008-10-27 23:16     标题: 天天考查圣经 1025


听祷告的主啊, 人人都要来向你祈求。——诗65:2

既然我们都是亚当不完美的后代, 就自然不可能完全没有忧虑。(罗5:12) 以扫娶了两个赫人为妻, 他那敬虔的父母以撒和利百加因这些媳妇而“心里苦恼”。(创26:34,35) 基督的门徒提摩太和特罗非摩, 想必曾为自己的病而担忧。(提前5:23; 提后4:20) 保罗也为弟兄姊妹的事挂虑。(林后11:28) 但“听祷告的主”随时都乐意帮助爱他的人。 我们等候耶和华的日子期间, “赐平安的上帝”会继续扶持我们, 安慰我们。(腓4:9) 耶和华“有慈悲有恩典”, “又良善, 又乐意宽恕人”, 而且“记得我们不过是尘土”。(出34:6; 诗86:5; 103:13,14) 因此, 让我们把“所请求的告诉上帝”, 这样上帝就必赐平安给我们, 让我们体验到超越人所能理解的内心安宁。(腓4:6,7) 《守》07/7/15刊3篇16,17段
作者: qquchn    时间: 2008-10-27 23:16

Saturday, October 25

O Hearer of prayer, even to you people of all flesh will come.—Ps. 65:2.

Imperfect descendants of Adam cannot be totally free of anxiety. (Rom. 5:12) The Hittite wives of Esau “were a source of bitterness of spirit” to Esau’s godly parents, Isaac and Rebekah. (Gen. 26:34, 35) Illness must have caused anxiety for such Christians as Timothy and Trophimus. (1 Tim. 5:23; 2 Tim. 4:20) Paul had anxiety for fellow believers. (2 Cor. 11:28) But the “Hearer of prayer” is always there for those who love him. As we await Jehovah’s day, we have support and comfort from “the God of peace.” (Phil. 4:9) Jehovah is “merciful and gracious,” he is “good and ready to forgive,” and ‘he remembers that we are dust.’ (Ex. 34:6; Ps. 86:5; 103:13, 14) So let us ‘make our petitions known to him,’ for this will result in our having “the peace of God”—tranquillity that surpasses human comprehension.—Phil. 4:6, 7. w07 7/15 3:16, 17

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