租车简单,只需美国驾照,估计中国也行. 45eu or 65eu 忘了,明天查. 奔驰van, last time free upgrade to 4matic. too big, big trouble for parking作者: xtbill 时间: 2008-6-26 16:11 标题: 多谢大家帮助指点, 他乡遇故知. 周六德国同事邀请去科隆.
温泉在冬天最好,它有一个室内池两个室外池作者: xtbill 时间: 2008-6-27 15:45 标题: about renting car question
sorry, chinese input not working.
My car is B170 Benz,
total euro$85.62 a day, base euro$65,
and add-on
there is a 19% something, maybe
insurance. Credit Card and drive license needed.