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标题: 美警方证实校园枪击案凶手为韩国学生 附其照片(图) [打印本页]

作者: alex14    时间: 2007-4-17 16:34     标题: 美警方证实校园枪击案凶手为韩国学生 附其照片(图)

维州警方刚刚证实校园屠杀案凶手为二十三岁的来自南韩拥有美国居留绿卡的学生Cho Seung-Hui.Cho为该校英文系的学生

(CNN) -- The gunman who killed 30 people at Virginia Tech's Norris Hall before turning the gun on himself was student Cho Seung-hui, university police Chief Wendell Flinchum said Tuesday.

University officials said they were still trying to determine if Cho was responsible for an earlier shooting at a dormitory that left two dead.

However, Flinchum said ballistics tests show that one of the two guns recovered at Norris Hall was used at Norris and at the dorm. (Watch police disclose new information about the shooter Video)

Cho, a 23-year-old South Korean and resident alien, lived at the university's Harper Hall, Flinchum said. He was an English major, the chief said.

Cho was a loner and authorities are having a hard time finding information about him, said Harry Hincker, associate vice president for university relations.

The university and police are still in the process of releasing the names of the 32 people killed in Monday's shootings. (Watch how some are asking why warnings weren't issued sooner Video)

"What went on during that incident certainly caused tremendous chaos and panic in Norris Hall," Col. Steven Flaherty of the Virginia State Police said, describing how victims were found in four classrooms and in the stairwell of the school's engineering science and mechanics building.

A doctor at a Blacksburg hospital described the injuries he saw Monday as "amazing" and the shooter as "brutal."

"There wasn't a shooting victim that didn't have less than three bullet wounds in them," said Dr. Joseph Cacioppo of Montgomery Regional Hospital.

Even among the less serious injuries, Cacioppo said, "we saw one patient that had a bullet wound to the wrist, one to the elbow and one to the thigh. We had another one with a bullet wound to the abdomen, one to the chest and one to the head."

A source familiar with the investigation said the weapons found at Norris were a Walther .22-caliber semi-automatic and a 9 mm Glock -- both with the serial numbers filed off. (Watch how quickly these guns can be fired, reloaded Video)
Details surface

The day's first shooting, at the West Ambler Johnston dormitory, which houses 895 students, occurred about 7:15 a.m.

At the time of the later shootings at Norris Hall, police were investigating a "person of interest" in the dormitory shootings, Flinchum said Monday.

During the Tuesday news conference, Flinchum said the person of interest was an acquaintance of a woman killed at the dorm.

Flaherty said authorities were still investigating whether Cho had any accomplices in planning or executing Monday's rampage.

Steger told reporters Monday that police found the front doors of Norris Hall chained shut and that by the time they got to the second floor, the gunfire stopped.

Authorities say they believed the dorm shooting was an "isolated incident" and were still investigating it when the slaughter occurred at the other campus building, Norris Hall. (Officials thought shooter had fled)

The gunman killed 31 people, including himself, and wounded 15 in Norris Hall classrooms.
Steger: Police thought dorm shooting was isolated

Steger on Tuesday defended the university response to the dorm shooting, saying police believed it to be "a domestic fight, perhaps a murder-suicide" that was contained to one dorm room. (Watch the police chief explain where bodies were found Video)

Police cordoned off the dorm and all residents were told about the shooting as police looked for witnesses, Steger said.

"I don't think anyone could have predicted that another event was going to take place two hours later," Steger said, adding that it would've been difficult to warn every student because most were off campus at the time. (Watch a student's recording of police responding to loud bangs Video)

The gunman was dressed "almost like a Boy Scout" and wore a black ammunition vest, said a student who survived by pretending to lie dead on a classroom floor.

"He just stepped within five feet of the door and just started firing," said Erin Sheehan. "He seemed very thorough about it, getting almost everyone down, I pretended to be dead." (Watch student describe surviving by playing dead Video)

The shooter, who remained quiet throughout the rampage, came back 30 seconds after the first round of gunfire and Sheehan and her classmates tried to barricade the door with their bodies, she said.

After the shooter couldn't get in, he began firing through the door, Sheehan said. Of the 25 students in her German class, Sheehan was one of four able to walk out on her own when police arrived. (Watch students react to shooting Video)
Victims' identities being released

Courtney Dalton, an 18-year-old student who worked at West End Dining Hall, said a friend named Ryan Clark was one of the two dormitory victims.

Clark, a resident assistant at West Ambler Johnston Hall, had once worked at the cafeteria serving pizza. Sobbing, she described Clark "a happy person."

As of early Tuesday, the identities of four other victims had been released: professor G.V. Loganathan, professor Liviu Librescu, student Ross Alameddine of Saugus, Massachusetts, and student Matthew La Porte of Dumont, New Jersey. (Full story)

The university has scheduled a convocation for 2 p.m. ET Tuesday. President Bush is scheduled to attend.

Classes have been canceled for the rest of the week, and Norris Hall will be closed for the remainder of the semester, Steger said.

There have been two bomb threats at the university this month, the latest of which came Friday. Flinchum said Tuesday they were unrelated to the shootings. (Watch gunfire on the campus Video)

Last August, the first day of class was cut short at Virginia Tech by a manhunt for an escaped prisoner accused of killing a Blacksburg hospital security guard and a sheriff's deputy.

Before Monday, the deadliest mass shooting in the United States occurred in 1991, when George Hennard drove a pickup truck into a Killeen, Texas, cafeteria and fatally shot 23 people, before shooting and killing himself.

图片附件: 2419.jpg (2007-4-17 16:35, 19.75 KB) / 下载次数 8

作者: alex14    时间: 2007-4-17 16:41     标题: 顺便回顾下震惊中美的卢刚枪杀案


卢刚生于北京市,18岁考入北京大学物理系,1984年通过CUSPEA考试,1985年本科毕业后进入爱荷华大学物理与天文学系攻读研究生。1991年通过答辩获得博士学位。他的博士论文题目是《Study of the "critical ionization velocity" effect by particle-in-cell simulation (ionization)》,导师是本系教授克里斯托弗•戈尔咨(Christoph K. Goertz)。

1991年11月1日下午三点半左右,卢刚进入了正在进行专题研讨会的爱荷华大学凡艾•伦物理系大楼(Van Allen Hall)三楼的309室,在旁听约五分钟后,他突然拔出左轮手枪开枪射击,他首先击中他的博士研究生导师,47岁的戈尔咨教授,并在戈尔咨教授倒下之后,又在教授脑后补了一枪;然后,他又朝他的博士研究生导师助理史密斯(Robert Alan Smith)副教授身上开了两枪。此时,在场的众多人士刚刚有所醒悟,纷纷逃离现场,这时卢刚又瞄准了当时在场的另一位中国留学生,27岁山林华博士,接连向山林华的的脑部和胸膛连开数枪。随后,卢刚离开了第一现场到达二楼208室系主任办公室,一枪射杀了44岁的系主任尼克森(Dwight R. Nicholson)。在确认尼克森死亡之后,卢刚又返回第一现场,发现几个学生正在抢救奄奄一息的史密斯教授,于是又朝史密斯的脑部补发了致命的一枪。


在未找到射击目标之后,卢刚又进入了行政大楼,冲入一楼111室的校长办公室,向副校长安妮•克黎利(T. Anne Cleary)前胸和太阳穴连开两枪,又朝办公室内的学生秘书茜尔森(Miya Sioson)开了一枪。


整个枪击过程不足20分钟,卢刚在自杀前总共向六个人开枪,除女学生茜尔森(Miya Sioson)被击中脊椎,颈部以下全身瘫痪外,其余五人全部丧命。




作者: alex14    时间: 2007-4-17 16:51     标题: 还有不得不说的马加爵事件






作者: alex14    时间: 2007-4-17 16:51

作者: Mausino    时间: 2007-4-17 17:16

作者: alex14    时间: 2007-4-17 17:25     标题: 枪和毒品一样,哪里都不可能禁止的下来的啊,关键加强自己的保护意识哈


2006年11月20日,在德国西部北威州小城埃姆斯代滕发生枪击事件的学校外,特种警察从消防员旁边走过. 埃姆斯代滕当日发生一起校园枪击事件,共造成包括学生和警察在内的至少27人受伤。肇事男子在与警方对峙数小时候后自杀身亡。

作者: fairly    时间: 2007-4-17 18:24

作者: zz123456789    时间: 2007-4-17 18:57

作者: Mausino    时间: 2007-4-17 18:59

作者: 217812    时间: 2007-4-18 11:07

作者: 217812    时间: 2007-4-18 11:09     标题: 转贴一下~








图片附件: 6a2c9a04e72f527e988d1eb515656167.jpg (2007-4-18 11:09, 30.1 KB) / 下载次数 7

作者: alex14    时间: 2007-4-18 17:03


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