0 X; ~2 w. w8 Z5 B% q 英国广播公司援引一位不愿透露姓名的伊朗人士的话说,这些士兵目前被关押在一个德黑兰的军事基地中。英国和伊朗正在进行谨慎和秘密的协商,但是他拒绝透露英国政府是否动用了卫星系统追查士兵的位置,同时对媒体提出的政府是否向伊朗方面提供士兵未侵入的证据这一问题保持沉默。正在土耳其访问的英国外交和联邦事务大臣玛格丽特-贝克特也要求伊朗政府告知被扣押士兵的具体下落,允许英方探视他们,以便了解更多详情。贝克特还再次强调说,这些士兵是在伊拉克水域执行任务时被逮捕的,并非如德黑兰所说闯入了伊朗水域。但截至目前,伊朗始终没有透露英军士兵被关押的地点,也拒绝让驻伊朗的英国官员前往探视,只是向英国大使亚当斯再三保证,他们的状况良好。* q: @8 V5 I$ T% h" g, u
" L- m" q" @, I; X4 Y
一家由伊朗政府高官经营的网站就此事发表评论,称既然伊朗外交官在伊拉克的安全得不到保障,可以随意被美军逮捕,伊朗也没有任何理由原谅并归还这些闯入伊朗水域的英国水兵。约有数百名伊朗学生近几天甚至还聚集到海边举行集会,要求政府对西方国家采取强硬态度。伊朗武装力量总参谋长发言人阿夫沙尔将军也公开表示,被扣留的英军士兵目前已承认“非法侵入伊朗水域”的事实,伊朗应该以间谍罪和入侵罪起诉这些英国士兵。 0 p e v* K, H# r+ T4 h# ^2 S3 b1 n% H
目前,欧盟、美国和伊拉克都公开对英军士兵被扣押一事表示关注,并敦促德黑兰政府尽快释放他们。伊拉克外长泽巴里日前还打电话给伊朗外长穆塔基,除重申上述呼吁外,还强调说,英军士兵是在伊拉克水域被逮捕的。不过联合国目前并未正式插手干涉此事。联合国总部副发言人告诉记者,联合国并未涉足此事,他们希望两国能够自行解决。就在外界密切关注英伊两国的外交动向时,俄罗斯媒体26日援引英国驻俄罗斯大使的话说,英国政府正向俄罗斯征询对此事的看法和意见,他希望士兵能早日被释放,并强调说,英国政府正在采取一切措施极力营救15名士兵。 & T7 p$ n6 {$ A8 I- h! z# Y! d6 h1 A# v; m
Women who are fighting the war on terror n3 w" G( Q! O. ]4 }+ G/ L% n- Q
Leading Seaman Faye Turney is one of a small number of mothers who are serving in the war against terror. ( i) B7 V0 j C" j7 o- S; _9 {) ]4 P; S3 t
But over the last four years that number has gradually increased as the over-worked military has needed more troops. 5 S0 N7 o9 [) M- a+ c/ g( A1 Y0 x" V, m2 \) `) J, }
In a war with no front line, the 18,000 women in the Armed Forces are increasingly finding themselves caught up in the fighting as medics, signallers and logistics crews. 4 a+ K# w# J9 k" U 8 x! s; ?$ Z* u) AThere are about 1,600 female troops working on operations in both Iraq and Afghanistan and for the majority of the time they are exposed to the same dangers of roadside bombs and mortar fire as the men. * ]/ }" s" s6 b5 I. B! |& l+ ?! j6 ?( f7 o! v
Two have been killed in the last year in Iraq. & |( U& k* Z: c5 u y! S* w" ` ! u& Z; g# J. G E2 ~& ZWhile they cannot join a unit where the primary duty is "to close with and kill the enemy" - for example the infantry or cavalry - women do undertake a number of hazardous postings, particularly as front-line medics and intelligence officers.; M. z4 {2 L1 D/ D9 h8 x
, Z' k M0 C- X: h! g
There are a handful of fighter pilots while dozens are in the Special Reconnaissance Regiment performing covert operations. + L0 P5 l5 p0 u+ r- b4 G @7 ?" `8 r
There are also more opportunities open to women in the Navy to be involved in war-fighting posts and having them on boarding parties is not unusual in the Gulf, where they are also used to search female suspects.. x% |, N2 i3 @. K0 M
4 @. y# }" g B, Y/ ]8 I/ u5 l
A large number of women can be found in the Navy with 3,000 ratings and 680 officers out of a service of 38,000. There are 1,200 female sailors aboard a total of 55 Navy ships, where they have been able to serve since 1990. However, none of them are on submarines for health reasons." X: |+ t4 n d, Y* p- a% m% m
$ x! k7 R6 U+ ^8 y
There are no restrictions on women deployed on operations except if they are pregnant. 0 a& h _$ p! A2 Y( R) T! i) L, ]( O$ ?( P
While the number of mothers on active service is increasing, they are thought to number no more than a dozen in Iraq and Afghanistan. % F q% [' h P% B 5 D; G# h# _! Q) UBut inter-service marriage is not uncommon and for the last decade women have been able to serve after having babies. Defence planners work the postings system so that neither spouse will be on active service or at sea at the same time. . g$ k" X+ `5 s! ~& f- e$ ?4 e" P: c " p/ i. T* T7 C! T% i( ~! e5 KIn the case of Leading Seaman Turney, her husband Adam, who is also a sailor, would have stayed ashore as she left with the Type 22 frigate Cornwall to the Gulf for the six-month deployment.! W! V4 v2 {7 H
4 p. P+ g+ b$ V; r. v' m. _
In Naval bases such as Plymouth and Portsmouth there is a well established support network of military welfare officers who will help out when difficulties arise in child care.! c+ f% m: e) a- X1 `. R
- O% ^. o1 q& J9 V6 P
There are also charities such as the Soldiers, Sailor and Airmen and Families Association that will step in an emergency.* K9 q/ Q' v9 J: D) m, V: |- t
+ B. P9 b6 d. F$ K' q6 f5 V7 bHowever, the military generally relies on families or nannies to help out when both parents are serving at the same time. " W; v( }- J" W' l% S6 w# x _6 M
No extra allowances are provided for child care. % c) F1 K! C k: }- Q6 _; u$ q. s8 h
[ 本帖最后由 日月光 于 2007-3-28 11:07 编辑 ]
Iran kündigt Freilassung von britischer Marinesoldatin an ; Z* u. |. C9 GTeheran/London. DPA/baz. Die iranische Regierung hat die Freilassung einer zusammen mit 14 anderen britischen Marineangehörigen festgehaltenen Soldatin angekündigt. Die 26-jährige Faye Turney werde noch im Laufe des Mittwochs oder am Donnerstag freigelassen, bestätigte die Nachrichtenagentur ISNA eine Ankündigung von Aussenamtssprecher Mohammad Ali Hosseini. Über das Schicksal der anderen 14 Briten wurde zunächst nichts bekannt. $ Y# ^7 |. R% i; ?0 |# D 2 Z, d p( T5 g2 @9 W& Y! t7 @1 UZuvor hatte London seinen Ton in dem Streit über die Verschleppung der Soldaten gegenüber dem Iran verschärft und die bilateralen Beziehungen zu Teheran praktisch komplett auf Eis gelegt. Zugleich veröffentlichte die britische Regierung Satelliten-Material, wonach die Soldaten am vergangenen Freitag eindeutig aus irakischen Hoheitsgewässern verschleppt worden sein sollen. Nach Darstellung Teherans trug sich der Zwischenfall im Mündungsbereich des Schatt el Arab dagegen auf iranischer Seite zu. % Q1 {$ ]/ B% E$ d7 ~
$ Q* m% k4 V* r. ~7 GAussenministerin Margaret Beckett kündigte am Nachmittag im Unterhaus an, dass die Beziehungen zu Teheran bis auf weiteres eingefroren würden. Eine Ausnahme soll nur für die Gespräche über eine Freilassung der Soldaten gemacht werden. Premierminister Tony Blair sagte, Teheran sei in dieser Angelegenheit "völlig isoliert". Die Festsetzung der 14 Männer und einen Frau, die mit der Kontrolle eines Handelsschiffes beschäftigt waren, sei "völlig inakzeptabel, falsch und illegal".