* 配方: 特效昏睡药水
特效昏睡药水 - 需要 级别 60 - Puts the imbiber in a dreamless sleep 持续时间12 sec. During that time the imbiber 回复 3600 生命 及 3600 法力.
材料: - 1 梦露, 1 虚空花, 1 灌魔瓶
(These are 配方s that have been “Discovered” players while they were making other already learned 药水s/药剂s.):
* 特效坚韧药剂 - 提升 the player’s maximum 生命 1500 及 defense rating 30 持续时间2 hrs. You can only have the effect of one flask at a time. This effect persists though death.
材料: - ?
在制作以下药剂时领悟: 魔化法力 药水
* 奥法坚韧合剂Flask of Arcane Fortification - 提升 the player’s resistance 至Arcane spells 75 及 生命 regeneration 40 every 5 seconds 持续时间2 hrs. You can only have the effect of one flask at a time. This effect persists through death.
材料: - 20 虚空花, 10 魔蓟草, 1 魔莲花, 1 灌魔瓶
在制作以下药剂时领悟: 长者药剂, 超级治疗 药水
* 暗影坚韧合剂Flask of Shadow Fortification - 提升 the player’s resistance 至shadow spells 75 及 生命 regeneration 40 every 5 seconds 持续时间2 hrs. You can only have the effect of
one flask at a time. This effect persists through death
材料: - 20 噩梦藤蔓, 10 魔蓟草, 1 魔莲花, 1 灌魔瓶
在制作以下药剂时领悟: 特效敏捷药剂