What a day! What a day! You really made my day
yesterday! It was a gr8 SUCCSEX, at least it seems to me.
That was something SEXTREMELY out of my SEXPECTATION.
Funky! You might not know that it was something that I
have never SEXPERIENCED before. It took me 7 months to
grind my Sexcalibur. The comment is cool!
The annoying rain has arrived eventually with an ill intention to overshadow those beautiful sunny autumn days and make me sentimental. I was just sunk in sofa, flipping through the pages of my writing books. I once wrote that a decent job and pay stable my sense of security. Building on this base, an equally competitive man will thus complete a happy union with me. Otherwise, I would rather live at my own will.
That Chinese Canadian is so enthusiastic and has proposed already. He said today that he’d like to come back this Christmas to get us registered. His family now is preparing wedding rings for us.
I wrote the above yesterday afternoon, painfully gathering my thoughts in words. I felt that I was dismantled while I uttered yes. The immigration application will be processed for at least 8 to 10 months so that I will be leaving in 2005 and through negotiation he finally consented to let me stay till the summer of 2005. He promised that he will make me a merry princess. What can I expect more? God knows that is ONLY YOU, but…
Love with tears.
Your Angel.
Je t’aime!
Your Loving Angel
注: Je t’aime! (法文:我爱你!)