In the following week, I'll choose some funny slangs or colloquial expressions. The problem is you can't always find the equivalent german expressions. anyway, i'll have a try.
Dec. 18 05
"You eat with that mouth?"
It's a nice counter-attack onto those who say sth. dirty about you. It's formulated in a "polite" way and make the ignoring, rude guys shut up.
别人对你说脏话,你就回敬他这一句,言下之意,就是你的嘴那么脏,你还用这张嘴吃饭.还有一种说法,也很"文明",但是作用是一样滴,那就是:You kiss your Momma with that mouth?就是说你也是用这脏嘴亲你LM吗?(请自动联系周星星,就知道LM代表什么了):D 所谓人不犯我,我不犯人,如果别人欺负你,我们总还是要学点"防身术"滴..以后碰上听不懂的老外骂人的话,就回敬这两句...搞定... 例子嘛,我就不用举了,经验告诉我,例来骂人的话都是学得最快滴...不管什么地方的语言...
我觉得直接翻译成德语也可以表达同样的效果: German Version: Fresst du mit dieser Klappe?
1) Salesperson: I'm sorry but we just sold the last TV set we had on sale. But I'll give you a raincheck so you can still get the special price when we get in a fresh stock a couple weeks from now.
2) Rain check 这个词也可以用在社交场合.假如一个男学生要请一个女孩子去吃晚饭,可是这女孩当天已经有了约会.不过她很喜欢这个人,也很想跟他出去玩.这时候,她就说: "I'd love to go out with you, Ben. I'm sorry I'm busy tonight, but I'd like a rain check."
German Version: 如果解释成德文的话,我查到: Einlasskarte fuer die Neuansetzung einer wegen Regens abgebrochenen (Sport)Veranstaltung.
Example: May I take a rain check on it? -- Darf ich darauf (auf Ihr Angebot etc.) spaeter einmal zurueckkommen?
When you say something, as a result of thoughtlessness, and caused an awkward situation, say making someone feel embarrassed, you have put your foot in your mouth.
1) A: I'm so embarrassed. Are you sure he could hear me when I was talking about his wife's affair in the next room?
B: Yes, I think he heard that. He looked that angry. You just put your foot in your mouth/in it.
2) I really put my foot in my mouth when I asked her how her husband was; they divorced three years ago.
German Version: (bei jm) ins Fettnaepfchen treten;
sich danebenbenehmen=sich falsch benehmen Example: Vor drei Jahre hat er von seiner Frau scheiden lassen. Wenn jemand jetzt ihn nach ihr fragt, tritt er dann bei ihm ins Fettnaepfchen.
1) I'd planned to go to the beach this weekend but I had to cancel my reservation. The boss has me under the gun to finish the company's annual program report by next Monday.
2) I can't afford any time before Christmas for parties because I'm under the gun to get ready for term exams. If I fail any of the courses I won't be accepted into medical school next year.
3) Everyone at the office has been under the gun since the new manager arrived.
4) We are under the gun to get this project finished at work.
The original meaning of the apple of your eyes is the pupil, or the round black spot in the middle of the eye. It is as if the person's reflection can be seen in the pupil (apple) of your eye. So the apple of your eye is a person
/thing that your care for the most.
1) A: He buys everything his daughter wants to have.
B: He loves her that much, she is the apple of his eye.
2) A: Oh, what a nice Swarovski necklace! I've been thinking of buying it. Thank you so much, it's really a beautiful Christmas gift.
B: It's my pleasure. I know it's the apple of your eye.
German Version: Augapfel
[ Last edited by Moses on 2006-1-4 at 14:13 ]作者: Moses 时间: 2005-12-18 14:26
A Kim, you may ask the german guy to see whether my german version for "you eat with that mouth?" is workable or not... if he has the right one, please let him tell us... :)