再比如the Corruption of the language, ‘corruption’[腐败]一词可能会最先呼出,那么,语言腐败是什么呢?我们进可能想到[语言庸俗化],不过如果我们知道,corruption can consist of the abuse of alternative texts, 就会明白the corruption of the language是指滥用语言,糟蹋语言。
‘雅’ —文字的细腻精致不尽在于字面的选择使用华丽飘亮的big words, 而在于某一字选用的贴适:The depth of meaning and feeling which could be ‘mined’ from ‘plain English’. 此句中
mine (开采,挖掘)可以见巧出奇, 如果用’dig’就会逊色很多。这就是深入浅出,亲切有趣的行文方式。
The fabrics grew in commercial importance. But the English had to work to gain the trade. They ‘wormed’ their way in.
Shanghai no longer ‘smells’ like the Mysterious East. The realization came as a ‘shock to my nostrils’, which has expected to be indulged on the long drive out the Nanking Road—past the old British Concession race course, now the People’s Park, through leafy tunnels of ‘dappled sunlight’ from the canopy of plane trees, and into the vaulted arbor of the Avenue Joffre, once in the heart of the old French Concession, now called simply Huai Hai Middle Road.
安排一字有神。第一例‘worm in’ 用worm虫的形象比拟English在India的缓缓前行,可谓别有趣味。
语言正如岁月在今与昔,彼与此之间与我们共行。又如[宋家王朝]的开场描写:smell—shock to my nostrils上海不再是很遥远, 很神秘的东方。这一意识是一种颤栗, ”熏上来, 在鼻上惊醒 ….“ 这一个颤和惊就拉开了故事的序幕。
这样的文字不仅安排的出神,而且吻合了作者流露出来的感情和思想。作者: jale75 时间: 2005-9-25 22:51
‘Blank’, ‘Dread’ words——Expletive deleted. 乏味,俗滥的文字要淘汰,因为我们要向上,岁月要进取。A little of what you fancy does you good。
谐——幽默通于文学也通于生活。一流的作品中,幽默和严肃的脉络常为一体,钱老等大家就有这幅本领,我们看到讽刺,也品到了同情。在论坛里,这样的气味也躺在绕舌,秦大侠等人的作品中。阎红的误读红楼也是很好的另一例。作者: jale75 时间: 2005-9-25 22:52
§语言地位的层次性 (Class ——Hierarchs)§
维特根思坦说过,一种语言意味着一种生活方式。1756年Sheridan关于British Education曾提出:[British education ——No messing about with ‘Way of Speaking’ or ‘Pronunciation]. Sheridan was the first to establish [the number of ‘distinctive sounds’ in the English language and the number and types of diphthongs and syllables]。我们不能简单的概括出Sheridan对某一种阶级有所偏袒。他是对于民众的谆谆告诫。一种出于对语言虔敬的心情。
As when we gun discharge
Although the bore be ne’er so large
Before the flame the muzzle burst
Just at the breech it flashes first;
So from my lord his passion broke,
He farted first and then he spoke. [Swift---笑破肚皮]
( There is an anecdote about the absence of rude words from the dictionary: tow society ladies commended on this, to which Johnson replied, ‘What! My dears! Then you have been looking for them?’)