储存条女人: 温存后便忘了你。
RAM Woman: She forgets about you, the moment you turn her off.
视窗女人: 她不完美,可没她不行
WINDOWS Woman: Everyone knows that she can't do a thing right,
but no one can live without her.
屏保女人: 毫无用处,但有趣。
SCREENSAVER Woman: She is good for nothing but at least she is fun!
网络女人: 难以掌控
INTERNET Woman: Difficult to access.
服务器女人: 每当你需要, 她都在忙别的
SERVER Woman: Always busy when you need her.
多媒体女人: 表面上, 可化腐朽为神奇
MULTIMEDIA Woman: She makes horrible things look beautiful.
光驱女人: 总是变得更快
CD-ROM Woman: She is always faster and faster.
电子邮件女人: 所说的,十之八九是没用的
E-MAIL Woman: Every ten things she says, eight are nonsense.
病毒女人: 众所周知,那就是“老婆”。 在你不要时来, 强迫安装,用尽你的
资源。 如果你想分手,你必有所失, 否则她跟定你了
VIRUS Woman:
Also known as "WIFE"; when you are not expecting her, she comes,
installs herself and uses all your resources.
If you try to uninstall her you will loose something if you don't
try to uninstall her you will be rendered useless...作者: Frodo 时间: 2003-12-17 12:30
我不是女人作者: 海上生明月 时间: 2003-12-17 14:20 标题: 出了国 就是不一样
你的英语水平提高了不少呀作者: 明月照大江 时间: 2004-1-14 03:28
Linux女人:你可以用脑子改变她。作者: 带鱼 时间: 2004-1-15 17:43
分的够细~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~作者: 小楼 时间: 2004-1-16 06:37
哦,这样阿~~~~~~作者: 过客 时间: 2004-1-16 12:08
Originally posted by 小楼 at 2004-1-16 07:37: